Take me to church

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After GO 2, so like If you haven't watched episode 6 DO NOT read this.

I do wish everyone who has in fact watched episode 6 that you will get all the therapy you need to recover from the heartbreak.

They are so Timeless coded.

It still has angst, though, you are not safe. But also comfort.

Crowley's POV:

It's been a year since he left me here. Every day, I drive my Bentley to his stupid bookshop in hope of just getting a glimpse of him, but instead I am greeted by Muriel's face. They always look a bit perplex when they see me in front of the bookshop, trying to invite me inside, but I gladly reject the offer. I certainly do not need to be reminded of him, and his stupid books. 

Who am I fucking kidding, I love this stupid bastard more than I love my Bentley. He said he loves yellow, so I took it as my duty to get a yellow keychain charm before he had left me. Now it just lays there in the passenger seat, and I imagine he had left it there. Before he left, only to come back and fetch it once he's found its way back into my car. I miss him, and the way he'd try to find the good in me. We could have been us. On our own side, I can't believe he'd chosen heaven over me. Maybe he never even saw me as a friend, more as a liability he needed to take care of before he left. I will never forget the face he had made after I kissed him, he looked like he'd just had the worst nightmare, and awoke only to see my face.

Only this time his face didn't soften when he spotted me, it darkened like he was still stuck in the nightmare, and couldn't escape it even If he tried. This stupid bastard is so naive, heaven could've told him there were puppies nowadays in heaven, and he'd gladly join them. He'd chosen heaven over me any day, but I would never choose hell over him. Beelzebub and Gabriel ran off into their rainbow world, leaving us behind so that my angel could clean up the mess they had left behind.

I just miss him so deeply. I wish to know where the love of my life had gone, and If he'd ever come back to his demon. If he does come back, he needs to do the apology dance for the next six thousand years.

Today, was different, though. Today I will accept Muriel's invite in, she must be as lonely as I am.


Crowley was sad that the love of his life was taken away from him. He'd wish to know where his better half, his Ying to his yang, was. Well it is rather hard to find him, because as far as I was informed he is no longer in his righteous place. Metatron had decided to trick the poor angel to join him in heaven. Aziraphale would have chosen Crowley over heaven at any time of day, due to a little miracle his opinion changed in a split second. 

Well, now that I have informed you about Metatron's plan more or less, I think it is time to tell you where Crowley's dear angel was. Right this second he was in neither hell nor heaven. But he was making his way downstairs. I will not elaborate on how Metatron performed his act, because it's part of the ineffable plan, let's just say that hell needed a new duke of hell one time or another. Michael has decided to take Aziraphale's place in heaven, as supreme arch angel.

Well carry on, you sure want to see how all of this will come to an end. Oh, look there he is our man of the hour making his way downstairs. Delightful isn't it, seeing the white fade into black ever so slowly, but as soon as he'd hit the ground he'd be greeted with pitch black ones.


I do not remember how I inevitably ended up here in the sky, all it took was a simple shove, and a miracle to make me end up in this much rather difficult situation.

Most likely I am making my way downstairs, all I wish for is to see Crowley there, but that is impossible he is in London, not in hell, even though in a few days those might be the same things. I overheard Metatron and Arch angel Michael talking about a new war, more of a surprise attack on humankind to see how long they actually last. When I looked to my wings, I was greeted by dark feathers which were covering my falling body, only that I couldn't fly on my own. I am not scared in the slightest, I have accepted my ending now, it's the ineffable plan. God knows what she's doing, I hope at least.

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