(1): I'll miss you

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"Huddle up!" Coach Ukai yelled, blowing his whistle. Hinata dragged himself over, panting. On the other hand, Kageyama simply walked over, his breathing controlled and composed. The smaller male had no idea how Tobio could possibly be walking just fine after the most ruthless practice game of their life.

The rest of the team hurried over, also panting along with Hinata.

See? Hinata wasn't the only one panting. Kageyama has got to be some sort of alien.

"So I'm sure you all know that Tobio Kageyama will be transferring to a different team, correct?" Ukai asked. The team sluggishly nodded.

They were all pretty disappointed one of their star players was going to be off the team. Forever.

Hinata on the other hand was constantly teasing his teammates about their sorrow mood all the time. Sure, things will feel different without Kageyama but it won't be that bad, right?

That's what he wanted to believe, but he knew everything would change.

Their daily runs, their personal practices, their fast assists (he'd even miss stealing Kageyama's water when he isn't looking). And god was it bothering him. What was he supposed to do? Whenever he was with the black haired male, he felt comfortable. He was Hinata's safe place. Being at home wasn't much better. It not like he was getting abused, he was just lonely. His parents were rarely home and his sister was usually out at a friends house.

So, he prized the time he spent with Kageyama.


"Oi Hinata!"


Hinata snapped back to life, darting his head over to the sound that said his name. He met black eyes, Kageyama's. Did he just say my first name? It's not like he hated it. His name sounded sweet on Tobio's lips.

"W-what is it?" Shoyo asked, blush coating his cheeks. He decided not to mention the fact Kageyama said his first name. Maybe he could tease him about it earlier— as if Kageyama would give you time out of his day. A voice in the back of his head spurted out.

"Did you even hear what the coach said?" the taller male, Tobio asked. The orange hair boy shook his head, his attention diverting towards Coach Ukai. The coach sighed.

"I said Sugawara will be Kageyama's replacement. Make sure to train well with him, we can't have Kageyama's absence affect the team so do your best." Ukai said, his voice sounded tired. To be fair, he always sounded tired.

Hinata nodded, his orange hair bouncing at the motion. Replacement.. he thought.

"I'll do my best sir!" the smaller male said, saluting. He heard an audible sigh coming from Kageyama and jabbed him in the stomach.

"Dumbass! What was that for?!" the taller male harshly whispered, catering the place Hinata hit him in. Shoyo simply smirked, not even batting an eye at Tobio.

"Do I hear someone talking back there?!" Ukai shouted, his eyes darting across the little huddle the team made. Everyone tensed up and shook their head, silently shaming Hinata and Kageyama. The two troublemakers.

Well it's about to only be one now.

"Wrap it up and leave, I better not see a single thing left behind!"

Hinata waited outside for Kageyama, sucking on a lollipop he had stored in his bag. The cold breeze hit his pale skin, making him slightly shiver. The sky was still blue and bright, a few clouds swirling around. He watched as a nearby couple sat under a big tree, whispering something only they could hear. Well he assumed they were a couple— their hands were intertwined and their bodies touching. They looked like they were having the best time of their life.

Shoyo had always wondered what love felt like. What was so good about it? And why do people crave for it? It just sounded like a faraway fantasy that only people other than Hinata can feel.

Can Kageyama also feel it?

No way. If Hinata can't, Tobio definitely can't either.

"What're you doing?"

Hinata jumped, his lollipop falling from his mouth and shattering on the ground. His guard went back down as soon as he saw Kageyama's face glaring down upon him.

"W-when did you get there!?" he shrieked. Tobio raised a brow.

"Answer my question dumbass." the taller male ordered, his lips curling up into a grin. Hinata pouted. "I was waiting for you." he mumbled, not knowing why it was so hard to say that. Was Hinata embarrassed? Yeah. But there was another feeling he couldn't identify when he saw Kageyama.

It felt like butterflies in his stomach and his heart thumped louder. Every moment, he felt scared to mess up around Kageyama. It was all just so confusing.

"Well let's get going. This time, I'm not gonna wait for your slow ass." the taller male said, already walking. He locked eye contact with Shoyo, who immediately looked away. Tobio obviously noticed something was up with Hinata.

"What's up with you?" he asked, looking down at an embarrassed Hinata.

"Nothings wrong Kageyama."

Tobio sighed, not wanting to push it. They walked for a few minutes in comfortable silence, both listening to the calming wind and overlapping chatter that came from nearby crowds.

"Hey Kageyama." Hinata asked.


"When you transfer.." will I still get to spend time with you? Is what he wanted to say. Instead, he paused mid-sentence.

"When I transfer, what?" Kageyama asked, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"I- Nevermind!" Hinata replied, running away. He darted towards the sidewalk, not daring to look behind him.

"THE HELL!? WAIT HINATA—" he heard Kageyama yell, but it was cut off when he turned the corner.

His orange hair flew back as he ran. His bag was barely hanging off his shoulder, almost flying away. But he didn't stop pumping his feet. Since when did he feel so embarrassed around Kageyama? He usually never does. Whatever this new feeling was, it was worse than feeling lonely.

The trees around him slowly swayed as he continued to run, huffing every few seconds. Hit feet hit the sidewalk pavement with a low thump. Some people glanced at him, he felt their gazes land on his back. But once they saw his volleyball uniform, they took him for a child having a fun little run. In no way is it fun.

He panted as he finally arrived home, the lights left on.

How was he supposed to confront Kageyama tomorrow?

Answer is— don't!


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was a bit rushed because I was in the car but I tried to make it as good as I could! Make sure to vote for my story <3

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