(6): Kageyama's house #2

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Hinata got out the shower and tied the towel around his slim body. He applied lotion to himself and used some of Kageyama's skincare. He also used his soap, which smelled like him— almond vanilla scent.

Hinata stepped into Kageyama's room only to be greeted by a pile of set clothes.

"Wear those." Tobio said. Shoyo nodded as he took the pile of clothes. He was about to change until he felt Kageyama's gaze linger on him. Hinata nervously looked up to meet his eyes, raising a brow.

"U-uhm.. can you look away?" Shoyo asked, his face erupting in blush. Kageyama's eyes widened as he also blushed, immediately turning his back away from the smaller male.

"S-sorry.." Tobio mumbled.

Hinata silently changed into Kageyama's clothes. They were large on him, the shirt reaching down to his thighs. The shorts slipped off his hips. He rolled them up several time, grunting out of anger. Hinata looked up at Kageyama, who was still facing the wall.

"Uh— you can look now.." Shoyo said. Tobio nodded and met Hinata's eyes.

"Whatever dumbass.. anyway my parents asked if you wanted dinner." Kageyama said.

"Oh, no no I'm fine!" Hinata said, shaking his hand and head. "I'm not exactly hungry right now.." he continued. Tobio looked at him oddly before slowly approaching.

"Did.. did something happen? You can tell me, Hinata." the taller male asked.

"Something did happen but I'd rather not tell you, sorry Kageyama." Tobio frowned, his brows furrowed.

"That's the same exact bullshit you told me before. I don't understand, Hinata." Kageyama said, his tone suddenly turning rough. Hinata noticed that he sounded weird.. hurt almost.

The smaller male gulped, clenching his fists and shaking his head. He attempted to keep his voice calm, but it wavered in anger. "You— you don't understand Kageyama." Hinata spat out. "I-it's because of you! You're making me feel these things that I don't want to feel!" Hinata lashed out. Kageyama's brows curled up in confusion.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his full attention on Shoyo.

"You wouldn't understand. Can you just drop it, please?" Hinata begged. Kageyama sighed, but slowly nodded. Why wouldn't Hinata tell him what was going on? Why wouldn't he tell him what happened at home?

"Fine. We'll also be sharing a bed because our guest room isn't prepared. I'm gonna take a shower next, you can choose what side of the bed you want to lay on." Kageyama said, pointedly ignoring Hinata.


The taller male took his own clothes and a towel and went into the bathroom, shutting the door. Hinata sighed and rolled onto the bed. What did he get himself into? Why was he so stupid? He thought, groaning as he ruffled a hand through his hair.

He plopped down on the right side of the bed and slid the covers on himself. The sheets smelled like Kageyama— a scent that calmed him.

Hinata slowly fell asleep, the nightlight comforting him. He wanted to be enveloped around Kageyama's scent.


Kageyama came back to a sleeping Hinata. He softly smiled at the sight. Recently, Hinata had been acting distant and seemed tense during their volleyball matches or practices. But now, he looked calm— relaxed.

Kageyama stared down at the smaller male. He took his hand and touched Hinata's orange curls. "So cute." he mumbled. He hated the feeling of Hinata ignoring him. He was leaving the team soon and wanted to spend every last moment with Hinata, but the smaller male seemed to not think the same.

Tobio sighed and slid into the bed carefully. He didn't want to wake up the other boy. Slowly but surely, he fell asleep.


Hinata had no idea what to do. He woke up in the middle of the night to Kageyama's hands wrapped around his stomach and their bodies touching. He could feel the taller males slow breathing against his hair.

Hinata felt his heart about to explode— he couldn't take this amount of pressure! Hinata felt his cheeks getting hotter and hotter by the moment.

Eventually, he stopped worrying about what to do. Instead, he leaned into Kageyama's touch, resting his hands ontop of Kageyama's. It felt good and cozy.

But what was he supposed to do in the morning?


I know I haven't updated this in 5 months, but you should be happy I atleast came
back. This fic still has no views, but honestly, it's just fun making this!

Please vote for my story once again!

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