Before the Story (Sarah's Journal #1)

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February 1997, I guess you could say that's where my story began, though I don't know if I'd agree, those earlier years are mostly a blur but I'm the only one of us who was old enough to remember mother, and to remember when father was...

Anyways, I was like any other baby, any other toddler, really nothing of note to say, I was with Mother a lot, and even though father worked a lot he still tried to.....

But it was around my 4th birthday that mother got pregnant, and around 9 months later, perhaps that's where my story really began, I'd be more likely to agree though still not sure, that was when the twins were born, Stella and Quinn, over the next while the twins got most of the attention from mother, even father tried....

It took me a bit to understand, but I began to realize how helpless they were, they needed Mother more than I did. I tried to help mother, but I was young and couldn't do much, I wonder if maybe I was older and could've done more if maybe.... No, there's no point worrying about that, less than 2 years after the twins were born, mother got pregnant again, the next 9 months though were different than last time, mother seemed weaker, and it got worse as months passed, I tried to be there for her, I tried to help with the twins, I tried to help help, but she continued to get worse, even father....

The day came, there was no need to rush to the hospital because mother had already been there for weeks prior, I hadn't went to school at all in that time, father... had been at the hospital alot, we were there too, I looked after the twins, something I'd get really used to... mother struggled to remain conscious, what happened next.....

Mother gave birth to her 4th child, Charlotte, but father.... He wouldn't look at her, he stayed holding mother's hand, he stared into her closed eyes, so the doctor handed Charlotte to me instead. I looked down at the helpless life in my arms, this is the day I'd say my story truly began, the day where a life began, and also the the day where a life....


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