Chapter 1 or Scene 1

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1. (In New Bern, North Carolina, a girl by the name of Josephine Stephens. No one really knows this but she’s  the Crown Princess and the heiress to the throne of the Royal Country Rosa. She has been living in an America for school. When she finished school she stayed for an additional six years to try to live a normal life. Even if it were just for a short period of time. We take you to her place of part-time work at a grocery store.)

Josephine. Have a good evening.

(She sees a new customer coming to her area of the store)

Josephine. Hello, how are you today?

Justin. Hello Josie.

Josephine. Mr. O’Sullivan. How are you? What are you doing here?

Justin. I’m okay. I’ve come because I have grave news from your family.

Josephine. What’s happened? What’s wrong Mr. O’Sullivan?

Justin. Josie. I’m so sorry to tell you but your father has passed.

Josephine. What? How? Huh? I just talked to him two days ago.

Justin. He passed that night after you go off the phone with him. He passed in his sleep from heart disease.

Josephine. Heart disease? What heart disease?

Justin. They never told you. He’s had heart disease for the past 5 years. It only just got worse until he couldn’t fight anymore.

Josephine. No. No one told me. Why wouldn’t they tell me something so important. My father was like my best friend. *gasps* I never got to say goodbye to him. I should’ve been there to say goodbye to him. I should’ve been told the moment he got the disease so that I was there.

Justin. That’s the thing miss. You were finishing school and His Majesty felt you were happy in the last few years you’ve been here. He didn’t want you to worry about him. He wanted you to be happy while you could before he died, and you took the throne.

Josephine. He should’ve known I would always be worried about him. I’ve always been worried about all my family.

Justin. And they’ve been worried about you. You’ve been living a quiet life for the past ten years. It’s time to return home to uphold your duty as Queen. Remember you did promise His Majesty-

Josephine. That I would be ready when it was my time to uphold my royal duty.

Justin. Correct miss. We should start heading to the airport now. The jet will be ready.

Josephine. But, I don’t have anything packed.

Justin. Your sister had all your necessary things packed and sent back to Rosa. Are you ready to return home. Your mother and sister will be expecting you.

Josephine. Yes. I ‘m ready Mr. O’Sullivan.

Justin. Then let’s go. It’s great to have you back Your Majesty.
A/N: Woah! I published twice in one night! Anyways, here is Chapter or Scene 1. It's not greatly written but, I try. But, I hope you like it and enjoy it. If you have any suggestions let me know. I'm going to post a playlist chapter of what I've been listening to while writing this.
Thanks guys! See you soon!
-Grace :)

A Royal RomanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora