{the date}

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Dani's POV-

"Poppins, I live above that pub you know."

I could feel my cheeks warm.

"Oh, I didn't know." I lied. Jamie smirked and glanced up from her plants to look at me.

"Sounds positively boring to me."

A smile spread across my face.

"See you tonight then Poppins." She said as she hoisted a large heavy bag of soil onto her shoulder.

"Tonight." I repeated as she left.


"Well don't you look pretty." She said as I approached her car.

"Just something I pulled out of my bags." I shrugged, pretending as though I hadn't spent the last two hours going back and forth between dresses, getting Hannah and Flora's opinions on them.

"You look quite dashing yourself." I said.

"I try to look presentable every now and then." She said as she opened the car door for me.

As she walked around the car to the driver's side, a small voice called from the door of the manor.

"Wait! Miss Clayton!" It was Flora, she scurried out of the manor and to my car door.

"What is it Flora? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No no, everything's perfectly splendid! I just thought you should have this to give to your date." She said as she held out a small paper rose.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Flora, I already told you, it isn't a date, just... two friends... chatting over dinner."

Flora smiled.

"Whatever you say Miss Clayton." She then scurried off back to Hannah who was waiting for her at the manor door.

"Have fun on your date Miss Clayton!" She called before going in.

I blushed bright red. Jamie laughed as she climbed into the car.

"What's she on about Poppins? If I'd known this was a date I'd have brushed my teeth." She joked.

"I- I didn't tell her it was a date- I just- I just told her we were going out for dinner, not that we're actually going for dinner, just casual drinks but-"

"How come the little gremlin even knew we were going anywhere?" She smiled.

"Well she, she may have given me some advice on which dress to wear." I said embarrassed.

Jamie laughed and started to pull out of the manor's drive.

"You're cute when you're flustered."


Jamie's POV-

"Hello there Bart, mind if me and my lady friend get a couple beers?" I said to the bartender, an old friend who I've known for a while.

"Coming right up ladies." He replied as he turned to grab them from the fridge.

Me and Dani sat down at the bar as Bart handed us our beers.

"So then Poppins, tell me more about yourself."


"Well it's not my fault Owen had spilled oil on the floor!" I exclaimed.

Dani laughed.

Her laugh made my heart flutter.

"I never said it was, I just didn't think you'd be so clumsy!"

"How was I meant to see the spill on the floor over those boxes?" I laughed. Dani laughed along with me.

When we stopped laughing, there was a moment of comfortable silence as we looked into each other's eyes.

Dani pulled a small paper rose from her purse and smiled.

"Flora wanted me to give this to you," she said as she tucked it behind my ear.

I smiled back at her. I couldn't help but notice Dani's lips, colored pink with lipstick.

Before I knew it, I couldn't see her lips anymore, but I could feel them, on mine.

She smiled into the kiss and leaned into it.

I pulled her in closer with my hands on her cheeks. Her hands attached to my waist.

It was a moment of pure bliss.

Finally we both pulled apart for air and a relieved smile spread across Dani's face.

I took her hands in mine and pulled her away from the bar and toward the stairs.

We stumbled through the door, lips locked.

I walked backwards holding her close. My ankle hit the bottom of my couch and I fell backwards pulling Dani down on top of me, rolling onto the floor.

"Told you you're clumsy." She laughed. She grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me back up and onto my feet. I took her hand and pulled her into my bedroom. She practically dove onto the bed and I followed.

Our lips connected once again as we shared a moment of love and peace.


Dani x Jamie // an untold lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now