{the morning}

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Dani's POV-

I woke up to find a head of dark curls cuddled into my chest. I smiled and lightly drew tiny hearts onto her shoulder with my finger.

She breathed out contently and snuggled in closer to me. I rubbed my hand over her back gently.

She stired awake and looked up at me with a sleepy smile.

"Morning Poppins," she said with her morning voice.

"Good morning gorgeous," I said as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"You looked pretty in that dress but better in my flannel." She said as she eyed her flannel I was wearing.

I playfully rolled my eyes and began to climb out of bed.

"Where d'you think you're going?" Jamie asked, a look of confusion and possibly hurt on her face.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere yet. I was gonna make us some tea."

"You? Making tea again?" She laughed. "How about I show you how to make tea proper."

"I'd like that very much."

"Alright, toss me a pair of shorts from that top drawer Poppins."


Jamie's POV-

Me and Dani walked around to the side of the manor to enter through the kitchen.

She stole a quick kiss before pulling me with her through the door.

"Good morning Miss Clayton," Miles said, causing Dani to jump and squeeze my hand. She turned around and saw it was Miles and breathed a sign of relief.

"Jeez Miles, you about made me jump out of my skin!" She said with a laugh.

"What a lovely flannel Miss Clayton," Flora began, "looks oddly familia-" 

"Flora, mind tasting this batter for me?" Owen interrupted. Flora quickly snapped up out of her chair and scurried over to Owen to try the batter.

Dani mouthed the words "thank you" and pulled me along with her to the stairs.

"Well Poppins, good luck explaining that to the little gremlins." I said as I gave her a kiss.

"Oh I'm sure Flora will have a billion questions." She laughed as she leaned in for one last kiss before scurrying up the stairs to get changed.

As I walked back into the kitchen I gave Flora a pat on the head,

"Don't give Miss Clayton too much of a hard time, alright?" I whispered.

Flora giggled as I left to tend to my usual garden duties.


Dani x Jamie // an untold lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now