Chapter 3

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There she was, sitting on the bench out in the cold morning air again. It was only getting colder as the days passed. Chaeyoung smiled, seeing the cute girl always made her heart flutter.

Chaeyoung was running a little late that day. By the time she reached the girl, the bus was driving up. Chaeyoung got in before the girl that day, taking a seat all the way in the rear end of the bus. She watched the girl, who was sitting further up in the bus.

Time flew and Chaeyoung was at university. She walked to her class. It was boring, and she couldn’t draw since the teacher was eyeing her the entire lesson.

Lunch came quickly. Chaeyoung had been drawing for all the lunch breaks, knowing she did need to do her work during the lessons.

University was important if she wanted to make a better living in the future. She couldn’t keep depending on her parents to pay her rent.

She found a place to sit inside the big building. There were lots of areas and rooms for sitting and eating. Everyone around her was chatting with their friends, eating food from the nearby 7-11 or takeout they’d ordered.

Chaeyoung felt like an outcast. She sat alone at a table, sketching. She pulled out the lunchbox she brought from home.

It was rice from last night. Chaeyoung wasn’t a great cook, all she knew how to make was simple dishes such as rice with store-bought kimchi, bibimbap, or a serving of pasta.

She held the spoon in her hand, scooping up rice. She brought it to her mouth. It tasted plain, just how she liked it.

She picked up her pencil, sketching the girl. She drew her big hands, specifically. She drew her cute pinky just how she memorized it, and her cute thumb. Her nails were nice and grown prettily.

She drew her face next. She added details she hadn’t noticed before. The more she saw the girl, the better she got at drawing her.

"What are you drawing?" She jumped. Shocked, she turned her head, met with a girl who must not be much older than her.

She stuttered, "A girl."

The girl smiled, "You’re really good." She complimented, taking a seat next to Chaeyoung.

Her eyes scanned the page, making Chaeyoung feel uneasy.

"You don’t mind me sitting here, do you?"

Chaeyoung shook her head. The girl appeared friendly. She had a kind smile plastered on her beautifully handsome face, not looking even one bit intimidating.

"I’m Dahyun." She introduced.

Chaeyoung smiled, "I’m Chaeyoung." She continued drawing. Her lines became messy and uncertain.

"Are you in my class?"

Chaeyoung nodded. "I think so." She recalled seeing Dahyun sitting at the back.

"Haven’t made any friends yet?"

Chaeyoung shook her head. "It’s not my specialty." She replied.

Dahyun let out a soft chuckle. "Me neither."

Chaeyoung felt awkward. Things turning even more tense when their conversation fell silent.

"I could use some company around here." said Dahyun, breaking the silence.

"Are you suggesting we become friends?" Chaeyoung asked, raising an eyebrow.

Nodding, Dahyun smiled. "That’s exactly what I am."

Chaeyoung shrugged. "Why not?" She was fond of the idea. Dahyun seemed like she knew how to keep a conversation going, exactly what Chaeyoung needed in her quiet life.

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