Chapter 7

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It was a cold Saturday. Chaeyoung was more than relieved to get inside the warm bus, finding a window seat where she could sit and watch the passing streets.

She was doing something she hadn’t done in a long time, heading to a café where she liked to draw.

The ride was relaxing for her. She hadn’t felt that calm for a while, with university constantly on her mind.

She thought about the girl, her heart fluttered with warmth. Seeing her in the mornings was always a joy for her. She was bummed that she never saw her on weekends.

The bus arrived at her stop. She got off. It’d been long since she’d really seen Gangdong. She took in the orange leaves that were beginning to fall off the trees.

The city was bustling with people, everyone was either out shopping or hanging out with their friends. It was a Saturday, of course there were a lot of people. Chaeyoung didn’t care.

She made her way through town with music in her ears. Justin Bieber. A musical artist she really appreciated.

She reached the town square, pigeons walked around, awkwardly bopping their heads. They sought even the smallest crumbs of anything edible.

Chaeyoung’s eyes landed on a bench. A bench with a familiar person sitting on it. It was the pretty girl. She was sitting with a notepad on her lap, pen in hand. She was writing, it seemed.

A smile tugged at Chaeyoung’s lips. She wondered what the girl was writing. Suddenly, the girl lifted her head, meeting Chaeyoung’s gaze. She waved.

Chaeyoung hadn’t expected it, shyly lifting her hand in the air to wave back. The girl turned her attention back to the notepad.

Scanning the area, Chaeyoung found a big rock, decorating the middle of the area.

She got on top of the rock, getting comfortable. It was cold and uncomfortable, but she could manage.

She got out her sketchbook. She drew the girl. She closely paid attention to her limbs.

She could tell just from how she drew her now compared to weeks prior, that the girl’s limbs were thinner. Chaeyoung frowned subtly.

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