samya debut in Nickelodeon??(Controversy)

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Wow!! I think my career  has  started to boost up like I am actually getting new opportunities outside the company 😀 . I am in the plane rn , I slept for 4 hours then woke up , the members are probably sleeping right now . I had gone out with IU for girlies shopping and also brought calligraphy board with me . I wrote till the letter S , I thought to try it out . It is cool.

" Hey baby"  I looked up my ceo bf is here

I jumped up and kissed him "hi daddy"
he smacked my ass " they will hear us " I pouted

" Well don't worry , I have some good news for you"

"Nah now don't tell me that weird old man is here for me like it was just a casual hookup"

"Oh god it's not him!  Dan Schindler is here !"

"What?! I mean I can't believe this" I whispered quietly

"Yes, we were talking about you being in his new series and I also discussed about who will be in those series and there were some really famous people , its our chance"

" Yes , you are right but what if  he doesn't like me "

" Don't worry I already have a solution , he has given me a slave contract that speaks you have to do everything things he says and you have to achieve every goal he says and he can do anything with you if you don't do what he says . And you can't leave show in the middle AND  also you are so sexy just be a good little slut whenever you meet him" he said

"Damm I hope he is not into bdsm because I am still 16 my pussy hurts with every men's dicks" 

" Whatever 😏 just sign here "

I signed thinking I will do anything it takes to go famous and I can live rich life . He left and I continued doing what I was doing to stop the overthinking.

    I am not feeling  sleepy so I think I am goona try out  some maths ....                                                                   

I am doing some maths , I am bored  honestly. I see maths questions as riddle questions and me as a detective that have to solve them by connecting the dots and trying different formulas and techniques.... It's quite fun honestly 😁 but that's enough maths for todays ... I am really hungry should I eat rameon? Leave it can't risk it .

Let's see what how weird this show can get now.

I am in my front of my wardrobe thinking what to wear ahhhhhhh

1. Cute
2. Sexy

Ofc sexy. , I am cute and sexy at the same time so I look good in whatever the hell I wear . My ceo bf is busy right now so guess he is not gonna pick me up but who cares I have one male idol simping around me so imma gonna use him, he is just gonna drive me to the after-party of our mv

I am wearing a short skirt , it gives a little view of my sexy ass, I bet the men will want to rape me 😆 and I am wearing a deep neck top that showcases how sexy my little boobs are. I honestly love my boobies

" Hey sexy " male idol smacked me from behind

" Woah easy there , don't wanna have red ass in the party now " I rolled my eyes and applied my mascara,

"But are you gonna spend some time with this dick tonight"

" We will see" I smirked.

I am dancing slutly around men rn .....the members? Honestly I could care less about them . We are not actually too close its all just co worker relationship.

"Hey samya! How much for a night?" A famous celebrity smacked my ass

" I am not a slut" I rolled my ass and continued swaying my hips.

" Oh really? Because you dance like one " he traced his fingers on my boobs. I smacked his hands away

" No your freak " I bursted out form the door and seen my new male idol bf - jake  making our with some girl

I am furious now!!!! What the hell?!!

" Hey!!! This is what you have come for?" I yelled at him

"Hey baby I can explain!" He said while pulling up his zipper

" Tell me what jake? You are fucking with this whore!"

" Oh really I am a whore? " She asked

" Yes , yes you are. Ik girls like you who only use boys to get what they want and sluts like you just sleep around for their profit" I yelled

"Sounds like you samya " she smirked

"Jia pls stop this !" He excused her

" I am sorry jake but truth is truth and I am brutally honest with people"

" Oh really? I mean why were you fucking with my bf??"

" You could ask same thing to your bf too ...... Maybe it's his fault?" She shrugged her shoulders

Now that's making me more angry now 😠
" Seriously? You must have seduced him!" I tried to defend my baby. Even though we  just met  3 days ago but I trust him. I trust him enough to cheat on my ceo bf

" Sorry to break your fantasy little girl but a loyal man would never cheat with his gf even if mia Khalifa is standing in front him and giving herself to him"

" You know what fuck you!!! Both of you!!!" I screamed while crying

" Same to you" she said politely and left

" Wait!!! I am not gonna leave you like this!! You are gonna pay for it!"

She smiled and nodded . Gosh!!!! What does she think she is???

" Hey baby, you are gonna have sex with me right? I wanna have your pussy I worked so hard to get that.
I deserve your pussy that my colleagues talks about...that sweet flavour goddd! " he looked at me with those puppy eyes

Ghosh how can I say no to him ??? The moment I was going to say yes my ceo bf texted me

" Baby congrats!! He wants to see your acting first then he will cast you..... so come at 9pm in his house and sorry I will not be there"

"Ok😍" I texted back

" So what you say? I am gonna give you money and auditions or MC shows whatever you want but please let me taste that pussy "

" Well you were busy sucking her off earlier "

"Ohh sexy you are the best fuck.... You are not like all those other girls you are different "

" Really?"

" Really"

"Ummm I am also feeling a little tight in this dress even though you cheated me 💔 but I love you I am not like those other girls who get angry at this little things ... You can cheat on me anytime but not with her....and talking about her this bitch is gonna regret fighting with me "

"Forget her. Fuck me please "

" Let's go "

Thank you so much for total 100 views on this story like ik it's not too much but still we should find happiness in little 🤏🤏 things.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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