lol- idfk- just random dream- that had people-

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idfk- what this is- but- i have werid dreams


*Grian's pov*


I was walking in a park, and their was two portals- i fell through one, and then fell through another, but supposedly i was in the normal world again? Cause in the spilt seconds i was there, they didn't look real, and there was now just one portal,

And then i felt something push me in- and- i went through, and it looked like normal, but things... where definitely not normal-

I saw mumbo sat on a picnic blanket, in Scar's clothes...? And i just joined him and i noticed- i was in his clothes? we talked for a good bit, it was.. Fun? But eventually doc, in cubs clothes came and asked to join us- and we let him,

And right after- like, stone like people, all 10? holding hands, kinda forming a line, and then they just sat down, and eventually i got up and walked away for some reason, and walked over to a fence, and the stone like people follow'd me?

And they hit the fence, and it started to get really windy, and the stone people, just let go of eachothers hands? And some didn't- and yeah-... but the next thing i know it, i was somewhere completely different- and jimmy? Was there- but also wearing.. Someones clothes?-

And he just walked away, to the edge of the cliff- and their was a glider thingy- but why? We both had wings-... so- why not fly?.."yknow we have wings right-?" i mumbled, "bitch their for show- you think they actually work-" Jimmy said- in- a rather stand off-ish tone?.. While rolling his eye's at me-...

"Why wouldn't they-..?" i mumbled, and i couldn't help- to think, this deffitantly wasn't normal- but i joined jimmy in the glider, and we just glided above water, that looked, basically black- but- i stopped looking as we got closer to it- and jimmy looking panicked,

Just landing on a small point, barely big enough for two people- and we were just sitting there- jimmy kept his legs above the water- so i did two- cus- i just felt- like i had to, and after a bit, "yknow what- i'm just goning to-" jimmy said, and jumped into the black-ish water and sawm to the shore not to far ahead- and i don't know why- but i just said Good luck as he left-

And i was right to do so- their- was some- creature- in the black water- and it was behind jimmy as jimmy quickly got onto land, and i just scooted more on this tiny ledge bit- "you coming?" Jimmy yelled from the land,

And i just looked around- there was a pair of hands coming from the window- and- i just got- a safe feeling that they were trying to help me, and so- i stepped on them- and got pulled into the place, and it was just a grandma, and they handed me a cookie- but i heard jimmy scream my name-

And i just nibbled on the cookie- while going to a small opening and just looked at jimmy from there, "i'm fine- and i got a cookie!" I stated


idfk- oki- just- felt the need to write this down- and share it lol-

Word Check: 545

Post date: 8/3/2023

random dream i had that i wanted to post bc it's werid-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora