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- gets bullied by noel for being ginger
- bcuz of that she went off to google lots of facts abt gingers to try make him jealous or smthing
- didnt work
- instead it made her get bullied 100x more

- leaves a review on every app she downloads

- her parents prob told her that if she swears shell go to hell or smthing and thats why she never swears
- she swore once cuz she was young and stayed up all night scared fucking satan was gonna crawl from hell and drag her down with him
- still prob thinks that to some degree

- ocean used the word 'gay' a lot cuz she thought it only meant happy (also cuz she wanted to sound sophisticated)
- she was horrified when noel came out and she learnt that it doesnt, in fact, only mean happy

- corrects ppl online when they misspell literally anything
- doesnt like grammarly as she thinks it "isnt 100% accurate"
- ends up downloading it but immediately gets mad and deletes it and writes a complaint to the ppl who made it

- the type of person to correct someone when they say a word wrong while reading

- hates being called by her last name
- noel once called her "ms. rosenberg" one time and she nearly tackled him to the ground
- constance had to hold her down at one point

- type of person whose face gets super red when shes mad or rly embarrassed

- one of those ppl who get sick and will lose their voice but then able to sing perfectly somehow

- has rly bad asthma
- mainly bcuz of all the incense and weed in her house

- rides a bike to school
- constance usually drives her around tho

- def cries when there are no instructions or rules to follow
- makes up her own if she has to

- scripts interactions ahead of time
- reason for ADHD^^^

- as a kid, she thought she had a crush on noel
- every time she thinks back to that she cries

- probably aroace
- more focused on studies than sexuality (u go girl)

- puts her hand up every. single. frikn. time in class
- seems to never get an answer wrong
- until one time and noel bullied her for it

- she loves spelling bees
- either wins them or gets to the last round every time
- when she spelt a word wrong once she almost cried cuz her perfect streak was broken

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