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- jane would find cool rocks and give them to the choir
- she would give the pretty ones to ricky

- jane is freakishly tall (6'0)

- ricky tried getting jane into star trek
- she couldn't understand the hype

- jane taught the choir how to make daisy chains

- penny pokes the choir randomly sometimes
- its like an instinct

- hyper fixated on animals
- loves picking up random bugs outside

- fav animal is a lion

- can be loud without meaning to
- ocean shushes her a lot, telling her to keep her indoor voice on

- penny bakes in her free time
- when she told constance this she freaked out saying they should bake together sometime
- when they did bake together, the two would just sing songs and eat the food afterwards and chill

- penny hates being alone so she'll follow ppl around for hours

- penny and ricky sometimes go to the zoo and penny gets upset when an enclosure isnt correct to the animals habitat
- she will ramble on abt it to ricky

- has a short attention span

- while riding bikes, when they fall off or whatever, and get the nastiest knee scrapes, she just walks them off like nothing happened

- penny had a world war 1&2 hyper fixation so she learnt morse code and uses it daily

- if penny and constance were girl scouts, by the time they get to the first house, they have already eaten a box of cookies

- chews on her pencils
- noel watched her do this one time, so when mischa or someone asks for a pencil, he watches in horror as penny hands them the one she just chewed on

- has a bed full of stuffed animals or dolls
- refuses to put any of them in the closet or storage because theyre family

- watched all the harry potter movies with constance and ocean and absolutely loves all of them
- her fav character is luna lovegood

- doesnt have the heart to eat any food shaped like an animal

- while playing animal crossing, jane would be too emotional to be mean to any of the villagers
- meanwhile, she watches in horror as ricky tries to only get feline villagers and bullies any other villagers off the island

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