Chapter 1

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Ranboo: I walked into the house, looking around for anyone, and then quickly went and locked myself in the bathroom. I washed the blood off my hands and took off my bloody hoodie, with a clean t-shirt under. My jeans luckily were clean so I didn't have to change them. I rolled the hoodie up in my arms and walked out of the bathroom, to my room. 

Aimsey: I heard Ranboo get home. He immediately went to the bathroom so I went to check on him. I peaked my head into his room and knocked on the wall. "Ran?" 

Ranboo: "Oh-! Hi Aimsey- What's up?"

Aimsey: "Just wanted to check on you, you've been acting weird recently"

Ranboo: "Thanks for checking on me- I'm alright so uh don't worry!"

Aimsey: "Alright. Hey I'm making dinner, should be done in about 30 minutes. Bill, Tubbo, Tommy, and Freddie are downstairs playing Uno I think."

Ranboo: "Oh ok, thank you!"

Aimsey: "Yep!" He was definitely acting strange still...I won't invade his privacy. So I walked out of his room, and back to the kitchen.

Ranboo: Aimsey's onto me... I put my pocket knife into my safe under my bed, along with my other things—guns, more knifes, money. And then walked downstairs.

Tommy: "Ayyyy Ranboo!"

Ranboo: "Hiya Tommy! Bill, Freddie, Tubbo!" Act as if everything is normal. Like you always do, Ran. You got it. 

Billzo: "What's up, Ranboo? Wanna play with us?"

Ranboo: "Sure, I guess, why not?" 

Billzo: "Alright!"

Tubbo: I shuffled the cards the dealt them out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 cards.

Ranboo: I picked up my hand of cards and looked at them. "Not bad, not bad."

Tubbo: "Alright I'll go first." I looked through my hand, and placed my yellow 7 on top of the first card, a yellow 4.

Freddie: "My turn?" I placed a green 7 on top of Tubbos card. 

Outside POV: They played 4 rounds of Uno, Tubbo won the first one, Ranboo won the second and third round. And Tommy won the fourth round. Then Aimsey called them for dinner(like a mom lmaoaoa)

Ranboo: I made my plate and went off to my room to eat, shutting the door behind me. I ate, and then fell asleep. I had "work" tomorrow, better get some rest...

A/N: Short chapter. It's the first one, they will get longer don't worry! 371 words in this one! <3 But give me ideas and thoughts! 

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