Chapter 2

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Ranboo: I'm awake earlier than everyone else. As normal. I get dressed, grab something to eat quick, grab the things I need and make sure I do it quietly so I don't wake anyone. Off to "work." That's what they all think. "Work" "I'm going to work." It is work. But not the work they think. They think I work at a restaurant. I am a hitman. 

Aimsey: "Ran? Off to work?" 

Ranboo: Shit! Just act casual. Nothing about you looks off. Just. Act. Normal. "Yep! I'm gonna be late so I uh gotta go!"

Aimsey: "Oh- Ok see ya later!"

Ranboo: "Bye Aims!" Close one. I walked out and to my car, checking my phone and setting the location to where I need to be. Perfect. 13 minutes away. Not bad. 

**13 Minutes Later**

Ranboo: I arrived at the house. Normal suburban house. Victims name is Johnnie. I parked way down the road so they couldn't get my plate number and walked around the block to the house. Remember— do the job quickly and efficiently, and immediately leave. 1 of 2 of the stops today. I walked up to the door and wasted no time, broke open the door and searched the house, one hand on my waist where my gun is held, the other hand holding a small but quite useful pocket knife. I went up the stairs and could hear music playing. So I followed, again, wasting no time, breaking open the door and doing my job. And then left like nothing happened, sprinting back to my car. I know someone will arrive soon because of the loud scream of the poor man. I got into my car and started it, making sure not to drive past the victims house, so taking a U-Turn and going the other way. Police sirens could not be heard yet. I went to the last victims house, and repeated the same process. Then went home.

Outside POV: Aimsey is in their room streaming. Bill is in the living room watching TV. Tommy is asleep. And Tubbo is in his room streaming. 

Ranboo: I arrived home and looked through the window to make sure coast was clear. Unfortunately, I didn't see Bill. So I walked in and was about to go to the bathroom to clean myself off...

Billzo: "Hey Ra- What the fuck-? Why are you-"

Ranboo: Out of instinct, I pulled my gun out on him and pointed it, putting my finger over my lips and walking up to him. "Be quiet. I'll tell you later, and then, you forget that you saw anything. Got it? Or you will be it?"

Billzo: "...Got it-"

Ranboo: "Good." I put the weapon away, and went to change my clothes and wash my hands. I was caught. Now my best friend knows. And I don't know who he will tell. If he tells someone, they both die. I washed my hands, then put on a clean hoodie and a pair of shorts. I walked out to the living room, and made Bill follow me into my room so no one could hear.

Billzo: "So um...?"

Ranboo: "You can not bring this up to anyone, Billzo. You can't. Or you'll end up the next one dead. I don't work at a restaurant, I'm not a waiter. I'm a hitman, Bill."

Billzo: "...seriously?"

Ranboo: "Yes. And it pays great. If you keep this a secret, you can have some of my pay."

Billzo: "...Alright. I won't say anything" 

Ranboo: "Not a word. Not a single word. I work at a restaurant ok?"

Billzo: "Yup. A restaurant."

Ranboo: "Good." 

A/N: 589 words! This one was slightly longer, they will get longer as I go because I will get more ideas. But hope this one was enjoyed <3

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