Chapter 14 (The Cellars)

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Back to Karlena's POV

Karlena: (Pitch Black, darkness, again and again and again. I find myself lying on the ground in the dark of my mind) I don't understand... Why does this have to keep happening to me?! (I yell out.) Huhhh... I wonder when I'm gonna wake up this time. ... Oh my .... Holy Sh!t! I completely forgot. Jaylen! Why am I still yelling? Nevermind that. ... Wait, why am I talking to myself? Oh yea, I remember why, cause I'm the only one that's here! (I yell out again) Okay, think think. I need to wake up. I need to find Jaylen. (Then all of a sudden I tremble) Woahhh. .. What was thaaat? (I tremble again)

Jaylen: Karlena?

Karlena: (Jaylen, his voice. I can hear it. Yesss, come on Jaylen, keep calling my name. I need to wake up.)

Jaylen: Hey, Karlena. Come on, wake up. .... Karlena.

Karlena: (My eyes close, and then I open them, finding out that me and Jaylen are in a moving van)

Jaylen: Yesss, you're awake! (He whispers)

Karlena: Took you long enough.
Jaylen: I'm sorry, but do I seriously hear you complaining? I mean really at a time like this.
Karlena: Sorry.
Jaylen: It's fine, but the guy in the black mask knocked me out a little while after they took you, so I wasn't able to wake you up sooner.

Karlena: Mannn, I'm sooo stupid. (I whisper) I did this.

Jaylen: Karlena, you are not stupid, well ...not in situations like this.
Karlena: Oh really, so it wasn't me and Kendralyn arguing back at the school just a couple hours ago.
Jaylen: Uhhh, okay fine, you're right, that was stupid. Buuut, but that doesn't make you guys stupid, that was just an emotional argument that you guys were trying to work out.

Karlena: Yea, (I laugh, then it fades)

Jaylen: Plus, that argument happened yesterday.
Karlena: What?
Jaylen: Yea, ummm it's Saturday and right now night time soo, we have yes, been in here for hours.
Karlena: Holy .. (He cuts me off)

Jaylen: Sh!t. .. Yea, I know.
Karlena: Well, what about the others? We have to signal them for help.
Jaylen: Shhh... Karlena, they could hear you. You have to be quiet .. and careful. Yes.. trust me, I already know this. We'll figure it out, okay.

Karlena: Okay, fine. (I smile at him, then it fades) Woah.... Oh come on not again.

Jaylen: Shhhh. What are you talking about, again? (he whispers)

Karlena: Well... (I stop. I look at the back doors of the van.) Oh no. ..

Jaylen: Shhhh, it's gonna be okay.

(We both look at the back doors. There they are, the guys in the mask that Jaylen was talking about)

The guy in the Black Mask: Go, grab the boy, I got the girl.
Jaylen: No, no, don't touch her, let me go, don't touch her!
Karlena: Jaylen, noo, let him go!
The guy in the black mask: And you're coming with me.

Karlena: No, nooo! (he takes my hand and drags me out of the van. He covers my face and brings me somewhere. I struggle to get free, but he's holding me so tight, it hurts.)

THe guy in the black mask: Put the boy in the cellar.
The guy in the white mask: What about the girl?
The guy in the black mask: Don't worry about her. Let's just say the boss has it all under control. Now go, we need to hurry.
Jaylen: Let me go, Karlena! Karlena! Where is she?
The guy in the white mask: Uhh, don't you ever stop talking?
Jaylen: Karlena!
Karlena: Jaylen! Please don't hurt him!
The guy in the black mask: Oh my God! Stop struggling, you're only gonna make it worse for yourself.

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