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Tomorrow would be my first day at my new high school and to say I was nervous was an understatement. In my last high school I had been relatively popular and I had a small but close group of friends. Here I had no one. The cherry on top was that my music had become quite popular over summer which means that the chances of someone recognising me were scarily high and I have no idea what to do in that sort of situation. I just want to keep a low profile and focus on surviving my last years of high school.

My encounter with Gracie at the store had left me feeling nervous as ever at the whole idea of making new friends. I was a bit of a wreck when it came to talking to new people though I had become quite good at disguising this with false confidence. The truth is no matter how carefree I seemed with what I say, deep down I know that isn't who I really am. I'm not the confident jock type, in fact I don't even know who I am.

Decorating my new bedroom had gone quite well and currently Max, my black pug, was laid on my bed next to me and my guitar sat in my lap as I strummed random chords.

I wanted to work on as many songs as I could before homework took up all my free time. But with school starting tomorrow I was finding it extremely difficult to concentrate on the lyrics laid out in front of me.

I carefully placed my guitar back on it's stand before taking Max to his bed. I lay back down on my bed, closed my eyes, and let sleep take over my body.


With my backpack slung over my shoulder I stepped out of my front door where the classic yellow school bus was waiting for me.

As it was my first day I didn't want to stand out too much but I also wanted to make a good first impression on my new classmates so here I was with my light-washed blue jeans, a Metallica shirt, my favorite leather jacket and a pair of Docs.

As I climbed onto the bus I felt relieved that no one was looking at me and they were all just keeping to themselves. I made my way to an empty seat and pulled out my headphones, clicking play on my favorite Paramore album, Riot!

I kept my head down the entire journey and tried not to draw attention to myself. The kids on the bus seemed pretty relaxed but then again this was only the first day back so things definitely wouldn't stay this way.

Suddenly the bus stopped and that's when I saw my new school for the first time. The building was made almost entirely of brick with it's fair share of graffiti scattered around. There were two stories and a couple smaller buildings off to the side which I assumed would used for extra-curricular activities. Overall the school itself didn't seem too bad but I still hadn't really met any of the students or teachers yet so everything could change by the end of the day.

I made my way into the the main building with the other students where I pushed my way through the crowded hallway and into the front office.

A girl with blond hair was sat on one of the chairs placed on the office and as soon as I set foot in the office she looked up at me and smiled.

"You're Phoebe, right?" She asked me. So this must be the kid assigned to show me around. She seems nice enough.

"Yeah, and you are?"

"I'm Audrey." She smiled at me again and I felt my lips curve upwards slightly. "I'll be a sort of guide for you today, sadly I'm not in all of your classes but my best friend Gracie will be with you when I'm not!"

Gracie?? Fuck, this better not be the same girl from the store, I've already made a fool out of myself in front of her.

"Sounds great! What class do we have first?" Audrey handed me a piece of paper with a list of classes followed by the rooms they were in. First on the list was Calculus with Mr Jameson, how fun.

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