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I quickly said goodbye to Phoebe and Audrey before climbing into my mom's car. I scrambled for the aux before pulling out my phone and searching for Phoebe Bridgers on Spotify. I clicked on her EP called Killer which consisted of three songs, Killer, Georgia and Steamroller.

My mom looked curiously at me as the first song started playing. The car was immediately filled with the sound of an acoustic guitar as my mom pulled out of the school's parking lot. As soon as I heard Phoebe's voice I gasped, her speaking voice was fairly deep but when the sound of her singing filled my ears it was almost angelic.

When Phoebe told me she was a musician in that bathroom I honestly didn't expect much considering the fact that she is only sixteen, but now I felt bad for underestimating her. Her sweet melodies paired with the shockingly dark lyrics of Killer were like a drug I didn't know I needed.

What Phoebe doesn't know is that I also write songs though unlike her I haven't released any.

I consider myself a big swiftie and I went to see Taylor on the 1989 World Tour just last week. I thought that Taylor being a hugely successful artist that started at just sixteen was a one-off thing, but seeing how Phoebe was doing so far maybe it wasn't. Though I have only known her properly for a day I look up to Phoebe, she is my idol. Joining stars like Taylor and Joni Mitchell on that big pedestal of icons that I strive to be like. I can't believe that she is my friend.

"I like this music, honey." My mom's voice pulled me out of my deep thoughts almost instantly which I was glad about. She was always saving me before I fell too deep. "Who is this artist?"

"Oh, umm, this is Phoebe Bridgers. She's my new friend at school." I smiled at my words. Though I'm used to the whole being around famous people thing because of my dad, something about Phoebe just felt different. Even with my close friends like Diana Silvers who recently got scouted to be a model, which is quite frankly fucking insane, I have never felt this way being around someone who I would consider to be a celebrity.

Phoebe makes me feel nervous.

I should be used to feeling this way around others because I am severely introverted but with Phoebe it was a different kind of nervousness, the sort where butterflies fluttered around in your stomach, but I just can't place why.


As soon as I was shut safely in my room I pulled my phone out from my back pocket and selected Phoebe's contact.


nepobaby 🫶
i listened to your ep

famous musician 🎸
what did you think?

nepobaby 🫶
it was terrible
worst music ive ever heard
your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard

famous musician 🎸
thank you so much
ill make sure everyone knows that youre my biggest fan

nepobaby 🫶
seriously though phoebe
how did that angelic voice come from someone who wears band shirts to school?

famous musician 🎸
do you not like my shirt?
i thought it was cute 😔

nepobaby 🫶
you looked like you were going to stab the person nearest to you without any hesitation

famous musician 🎸
i swear im not angry all the time
thats just my face
plus i would never stab you
youre too adorable

nepobaby 🫶
did you just call me cute?
im blushing

famous musician 🎸
i would kill to see that in person

nepobaby 🫶
this is exactly why i said you looked like you would stab the person nearest to you
if you werent a musician you would be a serial killer
you even have a song called killer

famous musician 🎸
maybe i am a serial killer 🔪

nepobaby 🫶
as long as you dont kill me im fine with it
just keep making music though
i honestly wouldnt mind a couple songs detailing the brutal murders you are committing

famous musician 🎸
dont tempt me gracie

nepobaby 🫶
what if i wanted you to do it though?

famous musician 🎸

nepobaby 🫶
ill try again tomorrow
read 6:38pm

I placed my phone down onto my desk just as my dad called me and my brothers down for dinner which I ate quickly before going back to my room.

I spent the rest of the evening listening to Taylor Swift and occasionally also playing Phoebe's songs before heading to bed.

For the first time I was excited to go to school the next day.

a/n- first gracie pov!!

just a short filler chapter this time but two updates in one day is honestly kind of crazy for me.

i have big plans for the next chapter so i hope you are just as excited as i am.

leave any suggestions here and i hope you have a great day/night wherever you are :)

The blue • Gracie Abramsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن