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Yui is really nervous now because she is about to ask her crush if he wants to be with her and if she said no she has other ways

She was right outside his house as she knocked on his door where he opened it

Izuku: hi kodai

Yui: hi Izuku I was wondering if you and me can be more then friends I want to be lovers

Izuku face turned into a tomato and almost fainted from the words she said

Of course he said yes

So after a few dates and sharing a kiss on a fire work show show it was great and Izuku lived with Yui for a while like almost a month

He woke up to see she was gone but he needed to go to the bathroom after he was done he heard screaming he thought it was Yui in trouble

So he found where the sound is coming from the basement he saw it ajar and slowly walked down still hearing the sound of agony

He saw a few girls being tortured and he recognized them when he felt a sudden sleepiness he fainted right there

Yui: sorry baby but I can't have you ruining our relationship

Her face was evil she dragged him upstairs dropping him by accident a few times

She got him to bed and portend he just had a bad dream

Izuku lived with her because he wanted to and because Yui gave them a new place to stay since their land lord was about to kick them out anyway

Izuku went to the basement just to make sure when he reached the basement nothing

But they were behind a fake wall and they saw him standing their looking at them but left

They were shocked and they didn't believe this

Yui was waiting at the atop the stairs and she said hi and asked if he wanted to go to the park with her

They had a great time and got a hot chocolate because it was a fall

They did a few cheesy things like share a scarf and hold hands

They got a few sweets and a few drinks they were passing by a alley when two people dragged them in it was some of his bullies

Izuku: hey we can talk about this right?

Katsuki: no we can't deku / he grabs his shoulder and about to push him into the wall

Yui paralyze his arm her eyes showing anger: don't.touch.him

She punch him in the face breaking his nose as katsuki swears he will kill both of them as he ran away

Izuku thanks her she kept him close she was acting like a guard dog growing at anyone who gets close

When they got to her house she asked him to sit on the couch while she gets him a drink

She grabbed a cup of soda and dropped a little something in his drink

Once he got it and took a few sips and fell asleep on her couch

Yui: don't worry lovely I'll make sure you don't get hurt ever again

So for the whole month she sue katsuki for harassment and assault

And surprisingly she won and katsuki isn't allowed around Izuku or Yui

But after a few more girls tried to get with him and Yui blackmail and harassed them to stay away but she has to kill so many it taking a a toll on her mental stability because he can't help but attract pretty girls and seductive women to his presence

Yui: it would be better to keep him in a box forever hehehehe hahahahahahah?! Or maybe in a white room in a straight jacket to keep him form attacking me hehehehehe but not the other way around

So Yui has planed a little retreat for them they went to the beach

They were on a empty spot where they won't be bothered but the world didn't want them to be alone so a blonde girl with a huge chest and behind trying to get Izuku away from Yui

Later Yui asked him if he loved her he said yes

Later Izuku took a night walk Yui didn't follow him feeling a little bit over clingy about him

But he ran home after seeing a clown

He stayed with her intel he fall asleep

By the time he got some sleep she was still up and played with his hair smiling like a loving girlfriend when she has plans for that blonde
I hope you enjoy

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