The end

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Yui was walking around the mansion humming a tune she remembered her mother singing when she was little

She hold a tranquilizer gun she called out to him

Yui: izu~ honey am not going to hurt you to bad if you come out now

Izuku saw her right in front of the closet he was in

Yui: Izuku where are you

She walked away Izuku didn't get out but he did after ten minutes he went out forgot his knife when he heard footsteps he hide behind a door

So four hours later she was watching him like a predator she wanted the chase to last a while

She did get him in the end she tied him up to her bed and she was waiting for him to wake up she grabbed a pocket knife and cut his clothes off besides his socks and underwear

Yui: oh I wonder what that drug did to you when I got it in your system maybe I cut off your tongue or rip a nail off but this is all love for you

So she was on her phone and placed it where she could watch something when she saw him awake she stopped the video

Yui: good your awake now you can take responsibility for your actions

She crawled up to his face and kissed his nose

Yui: oh my aren't you sweet to me / she hold her cheeks like she a bride

She kissed his lips and moved down

Yui: you know I don't like the foreplay I think we should just go straight to the deed I don't know why some yanderes do that foreplay shit but I think you will enjoy this part

She take off her pants and her underwear is now hanging off the frame of the bed and she rubbed his log intel it got harder as it was only five inches

She got above him and smashed his log into herself feeling horrible pain and pleasure she started to hop up and down so fast

after twenty minutes she got what she wanted and laid down next to him saying she had so much fun and soon they will have a shower together soon

Izuku eyes are dull and lifeless he felt a pinch in his neck he saw it was a needle

Yui: can't have you running in a few minutes you will feel numbness across your body

And in a few minutes just like she said he felt numbness all across his body

She picked him up with out issues she laid him down on the tub and she turned the water on

She sat down next to him feeling the water dripping down on her face and she rubbed his stomach

Yui: I love you

She washed out his hair and body and she did hers as they were just relaxing Izuku said something that surprised her

He said "I love you" to her she was so happy she kissed him with all she could Izuku got Stockholm syndrome from all this time with her plus his original love for her didn't help him

Yui: oh Izuku you have no idea how I wish you were love me

All Izuku could say was love you and she was eating him up

So a month she had their wedding with friends and family obviously

But after it Izuku had a accident because his leg was chopped off and it wasn't yui fault actually

And to say he didn't want to go out is a understatement he can't even leave the house without having psd

She didn't mind as she can just get her work from home

Izuku recover from this really well and return to his old self and he didn't care if she killed anyone but he made her promise to not kill anyone anymore because he couldn't live with the guilt

Yui got a better handle on her yandere incident to be honest it was like a animal protesting their mate from others like some animals

And later they adopted a girl with a defect in her skull giving her a horn but it didn't grow that fast nor does it harm her life in anyway

She was a great daughter to them and when their son grew up he had a very middle rood of life

Soon they died because of old age they were reborn as many times as they wanted like Izuku being a yandere once and once both were stalking each other and sometimes they were in different worlds
I hope you guys enjoyed this

So what ideas for books do you guys have I would love to hear them

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