Chapter 1 -- New Beginning

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(Y/N) = Your Name


(Y/N) is sound asleep as he lies in bed. In the background, one can hear Pidgeys chirping as the sun rises. His father is doing the dishes in the kitchen. Fletchling is told by (Y/N)'s father to wake him up. Fletchling flies into (Y/N)'s room and hovers above him. 1... 2... 3... (Y/N) is awakened when Fletchling dives and tackles him.

(Y/N): W-what?! Oh, it's just you.

Fletching: Fletch Fletch!

(Y/N): Yeah, yeah. I'm up.

(Y/N) springs from bed and moves toward the mirror. He looks at himself closely. He goes downstairs after changing out of his jammies and runs into his father. His father chuckles as he turns to face him.

Dad: Well, look who decided to get up. Did the move leave you feeling worn out? I asked your mother to let you arrive earlier so you wouldn't be so exhausted. She ignored me, though.

(Y/N): Mom doesn't really like you, not sure why. I wanted to come earlier too. It's my first time staying with you.

Dad: Yes, I did notice. You have a busy day ahead of you, (Y/N). I registered you with the professor as a student. Today, I should receive your approval letter informing me of your eligibility.

(Y/N): Ugh, do I have too? I finished high school so why?

The door receives a knock. (Y/N)'s father unlocks the door. There are two girls at the doorstep.

???: Hello, Mr. Grayson. We're here for (Y/N).

Grayson: Well, well, well, if it isn't Serena and Shauna. Come in, (Y/N) is in the kitchen.

The two girls walk inside. Grayson, (Y/N)'s dad, introduces the girls to (Y/N). Serena is dressed in a dark pink hat with a black hatband, white sunglasses, and honey-colored hair. She also has gray eyes. In addition, she's dressed in a red double-waisted side-button pleated skirt, black thigh-high stockings, and black sneakers with pink semicircles. She wears a pink purse with black decals on it everywhere she goes.

Grayson: (Y/N), this is Serena and Shauna. I believe they're students of the renowned Professor Sycamore.

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