Chapter one -Mia-

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A car ran before me and almost hit me while I was going to the club.

"You almost hit me; you jerk!" I scream at him.

But I don't stick around more, and I go into the club and find my friends. They are sitting at a round table with at least ten drinks.

My friends can become a mess when they are drunk, so I try not to drink too much so that I can call them an Uber when we are done. After some time, I go to the dance floor, and I think I got carried away cause when I am back to my table no one is there, and all my friends went home.


After an hour of swearing at my friends who ditched me, I get ready to leave. As I get up from the table I bump into someone. I look up and I see a tall guy that has a scar on his face and a cold look that just screams "Danger".

"I'm sorry..." I mumble as I leave.

But I don't take two steps before I feel a hand around my elbow that drags me back in front of the guy. I look at him feeling the fear inside me getting stronger.

"Are you here alone?" the man asks. I feel like my lips are glued together as I try to answer him.

"Y-yes." I finally say after a minute that felt like an hour.

"Well then let me buy you a drink, cause no pretty lady should be alone in a club." He smiles at me as he drops my elbow in a really gentle way.

I look at him and shake my head. "No thank you, I have to get home." With that, I turn around on my heel and leave.

He catches up to me "Well then let me give you a ride home." He says with a grin on his face that makes chills go down my spine.

"Thanks, but no. Plus I don't even know who you are and if I can trust you." I say and continue to walk. I get my phone out of my pocket so that I can call an Uber for myself, but the jerk takes it out of my hands.

"Hey!" I yell at him. "Give me back my phone, jerk!"

"I told you that I would take you home, pretty lady."

"And I told you that I don't know you and that I don't trust you, or didn't you hear me?"

"Oh, let me introduce myself then, I'm Victor De'Luna." He takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

"Thanks for the brief introduction, but I still don't trust you, so please give me my phone back so that I can call myself an Uber."

A man appears from behind and whispers something in his ear.

"So, it appears that my men almost hit you with the car when they got here."

"It was YOU?" I scream and look at the man beside him. "Next time look where you are fucking going!" The man glares at me but I put my hand on my gun that I have on me at all times . Victor notices and looks at me.

"You shouldn't play with a gun if you don't know how to use it..." he pauses "I didn't catch your name, princess."


"Mia. What a lovely name. Well, Mia, let's not play with dangerous things."

"I actually have a license for it, plus I'm an Olympic shooter, so I know how to play with the gun." I tell him in the most serious way possible.

"I'm glad the princess knows how to shoot. Now will you let me give you a ride home?" I nod and he gives me my phone back.

"Good now let's get you home, princess." He takes my hand and leads me to a black car that I think it was waiting for him.

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