Chapter two -Victor-

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                           Chapter two

The night I met Mia I was at my VIP table at the club that my family owns. She was dancing on her own so I thought I should keep an eye on her.

She was wearing a crop top and some jeans, but I could see all her curves. Her hair was in a tight bun. At her waist she had a gun that I thought was a BB but it turned out to be a Handgun that was a perfect fit for her little hands.


After I introduced myself to Mia,  I was able to give her a ride home. 

As we were going to her apartment building, I got a chance to see her up close, her hair is a light brown color and her skin is a color mixed between light brown and a darker one. Her eyes are a really light shade of green that lightens her face. And her curves when she sits down are amazing.

We pull up to her apartment building. I put my phone in her hands and give her a warm smile.

“I want to see you again princess, could I have your phone number?” she nods and I feel like  a little kid that just got the new toy that he wanted for a really long time.

She gives me the phone back. “Thank you for the ride home Mr De’Luna.” I try to hold back  a smile, because hearing her being so formal is funny.

“Don’t be so formal, call me Victor. Only my employees call me Mr. De’Luna.” I give her a quick smile.

“Thank you again, Victor.” She takes her bag and goes into the building. I watch her  to see if she gets to her apartment alright. Just to be safe,  I put one of my bodyguards to follow her inside. 

As I wait for my man to give me an update I hear a gunshot. At  the same time he tells me that she fired a gunshot as a warning, and that she wasn’t in danger. I sigh in relief.


The next day I text her, but I’m surprised by the fact that she does not remember me.  After five minutes she asks me if my name is De’Luna, and that’s how I know she remembered.

After we talked I realized that she shoots at my range . So I went to meet her.

“Good morning princess, have you slept well?”

“Yes,  how  did you get here so fast?”

“I can learn a lot about a person I am interested in. So I did some digging.” I smile at her as I go into the shooting range.  I am surprised by the fact that my old coach is still here, and weird enough he’s Mia’s coach, so I go to  talk to him.

The good thing is that I am a partner of this shooting range,  I wanted to be able to help them as much as possible 

“You know,  Mia is from another country. she moved here to be apart of the  Olympic team.” the coach comments, bringing me out of my thoughts

“I didn’t know that. What country?” even tho I did some digging, this detail slipped past me

“Romania.” I stare at him in shock.

“Wow, she’s far away from home then.” Coach nods, and in that moment Mia comes with some targets to show him 


After some time,I go outside so that I can smoke, and as I do  I see Mia coming out of the shooting range, looking for something.

I go to her and gently take her hand.

“Looking for something?”

“Fucking hell you scared me, yeah I was looking for you, because I thought you left.” I smirk at the thought that she was looking for me.

“I just went out for a smoke, princess.” I lead her to the car. 

As we get to her apartment building I put a hand on her thigh and  look at her with a worried face, because of what happened the other night.

“Are you ok?” She looks at me weirdly

“Yeah, I was just worried because I heard a gunshot the other night and as far as I know you are the only one with a gun.” I tell her with a serious face, because I am genuinely worried about her safety. 

“Oh, don’t worry it was just my roommate that scared the shit out of me because I didn’t know she was home.”

“Ok then, you should get going.” 

“Well thanks for the ride.”

“No problem, princess.”

As we leave, I think about the fact that she doesn’t remember me from a couple years ago.


I have my gun pointed at a rival’s head when my phone buzzes, I just got a new message from Mia: “Did you get home safely?” I don’t text her right away cause I have to finish my business.

“So tell me, where would you go out on a date?” I ask the guy that will be dead.

 "..D..Date?" He looks confused "Maybe the movies?"

I look at him with a blank face and shoot him in the head. I take out my phone and text Mia.

Me: “Yes I did, are you free tomorrow after practice?”

Princess: “I’m glad to hear that. Yes I am free, why?”

Me:”Good, do you have a movie in mind that you would want to watch?”

Princess: “Hmm, good question, I would love to see Guardians of the Galaxy 3.”

Me: “Perfect, I will come and pick you up after practice.”

Princess: “WAIT, WHAT? I need to shower!”

Me:”Don’t worry, no one will see you. I will make sure of that.”


After  she finished practice, I go to the shooting range where I find Mia waiting for me outside. She is wearing a red T-shirt and a pair of jeans that define her curves so damn well that I might just get her home and not let her out again.

“Looking for me, princess?” 

“Oh, hey, I didn’t see you there.” She smiles at me.

“What’s with that smile? Did something good happen?” 

“I had a really good day, that's it.”

I take her bag and smile at her. “That’s good to hear, shall we?” She nods and I open the car door for her.


As we get to the cinema I can see that she is getting anxious.

“Are you ok?” I ask her with a worried voice.

“Nothing, sorry.”

“This isn’t “nothing” tell me what’s wrong.”

“My ex is working at this cinema. And I really don’t think I can face him after all he did to me…” she looks down and I can see that she is getting uncomfortable.

I take her hand and  stroke her fist. “Don’t worry, if he tries anything I will kill him with my own hands.”

My dangerous PrincessDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora