The beginning of something new ❤️

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Today is the day they all set off for the fun trip, where Y.N and Riyaz would have to share a room.

"Y.N!" called out Rahul as he saw her entering the school.

"Rahul, what was the fight with Riyaz about yesterday?" she asked as soon as he approached her.

"Y.N, we discussed before that we like each other but can't date because of our hectic schedule," said Rahul casually.

"Rahul, I never said I liked you! I don't like anyone. Stop going around telling people you are my boyfriend because you are not and never will be," yelled Y.N.

**Riyaz's POV**
I walked into the school, and the first thing I saw was Y.N and Rahul talking in a corner. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy in my heart. I was mad at her for making me fall for her in just two days. But I was more mad at myself for falling in love.

"Riyaz!" called out the principal.

I went up to her and greeted her.

"If you find Y.N, tell her to take the students with you and settle them on the bus so we can start our travel," she instructed.

I was about to do as she asked, but she gently pulled me back. "Riyaz, I know sharing a room with her might be uncomfortable since you both don't know each other, but I told you to share the room with her for a reason."

"What is it, miss?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Y.N is a role model to every student in the school. I have seen her grow into the woman she is today. She has struggled a lot and is very short-tempered. She makes impulsive decisions when mad, and I have a feeling you can handle her. Please take care of her," she requested.

I nodded and assured her the best I could, then went to Y.N, who was yelling at some dude.

**End of Riyaz's POV**

"Oi, Miss Head Girl, let's go. We have to settle those kids on the bus," said Riyaz.

Y.N was internally happy hearing him come back to his normal state, but once she looked at his face, her excitement went downhill. His face had a cold expression, and his eyes refused to meet hers.

"Alright, newbie, let's go!" she said, trying to stay unfazed.

"Before we go, I hope your boyfriend is okay with us staying in a room together," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Boyfriend? Oh, you mean Rahul! He is not my boyfriend, just a very weird friend of mine. Just ignore him," she said, smiling.

Riyaz's eyes finally met hers as she finished her sentence. The expression of coldness had now disappeared, and his mischievous, boxy smile had returned.

"I am not surprised you are single, Head Girl. No one can handle your dramatic butt," he teased.

Y.N laughed with him, finally happy to have the normal Riyaz back with her.

They settled the other students on the bus. Y.N was about to sit with Riyaz as she wanted to make a bold move, but before she could sit with him, Lana, her forever enemy, sat with him.

Lana and Y.N had fought with each other ever since kindergarten. Y.N was annoyed by the fact that Lana had to copy everything Y.N did – from the clothes to the stationery, even to the boys!

Lana, being a "pick me," started being overly touchy with Riyaz. Riyaz ignored her and sat with Y.N, who was sitting behind them.

"Separation issues much?" smirked Y.N as he sat down.

"Don't flatter yourself; she's just more annoying than you," he said, unbothered.

They spent the entire bus ride teasing each other. Little did they know, they were falling for each other more.

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