Chapter Two

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That is how I find both the world and life.

I personally find life scary...

For it is very-very unpredictable.

It may be exciting for some, but for a person who has never felt tranquility in life, it really is beyond the word scary.

“I heard the Padre's nice.”

“Gossip again, Mary?” she giggled,

“Come on, Esperanza, everyone's talking about him: how nice he is, how handsome he is, how smart he is. Based on the—” she grimaced, “Fine... gossips I have heard, this Padre Enrique sounds and looks perfect.”

I brushed her soft short hair, “Remember the day before Sor Dolores came and became a part of Mother Teresa's?”

“Yes. Why?“

“So, you remember how everyone's talking about how kind she is, how beautiful she is, how smart she is, and how much of a holy person she is, that, as per the gossips before, she can even pass as the next Mother Teresa.” then we both laughed,

“I remember that! Pero hindi naman pala totoo lahat. Well, she's kinda pretty, but she's no saint! Mother Teresa must have been offended when we mentioned Sor Dolores' name after her.”

“Oh, poor innocent Mother Teresa.” I humorously added, even if I don't exactly know Mother Teresa, aside from she's a nun, and... a saint—I guess?

We were both giggling, talking about how funny the gossip was back then, every time someone new will come and stay here with us.

Not until our morning alarm roared like a mad animal in every corner of the church, which is a sign for us to go and stand in front of our room's doors.

“Form two lines, and go to the hall! Pronto!”

Like a robot being controlled by the nuns, we moved just as how they wanted us to. Our feets were moving in synchronization, and so were our hands.

And then we formed straight lines after entering the hall. Everyone was so extra obedient today, because we all know how important this day is for the nuns and priests.

“The Padre's arrival is today.” one of the priests stated, more likely warning us, as per his tone of voice, that we should behave as the almighty Padre arrives.

Just as I was thinking, another priest came and said, “You must all behave, Children. We don't want Padre Enrique to be disappointed with us. Understand?” Then, he fixed his all-white clothes.

Seeing them be this excited and nervous makes me wonder what kind of a person this Padre Enrique is, and other things about him, as well.

And speaking of...

“Oh, my good God,” full of adoration, I heard Mary whisper.

I slightly tilted my head as Madre Jimena and a tall man walked inside the hall.

“These are the children of Mother Teresa, Padre.” Madre Jimena said using a very soft voice.

Mary, who's standing in front of me, faced me and whispered, “That is so not her.” with her face crumpled, before facing the front. I secretly laughed.

Indeed, that is not so her. You can't even use any positive connotations like "sweet" or "soft" to describe her.

“Greet the Padre.” Madre Jimena commanded, and so we followed,

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