Breaking into enemy territory

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Chapter 12

-Germany, Ghost realm. Year version, 1922-

"Dang it! That took longer than needed."

Mikhail kvetched. His extra errands like the forged ID took longer than needed.

"Where is that small piece of garbage?"

Mikhail snickered. He'd always made fun of anyone's height, especially Third. He was very tall, even as a kid. He recalled his father always comparing him to tall buildings, which made him feel strong.

"The buildings of the streets."

Strolling around the hustle and bustle city of Berlin, he felt a small feeling of resentment. Even though these types of cities were the best for espionage, he hated being in crowds.

"Dang it, Third knows what I looked like. I better get my disguise on right now."

Mikhail shifted into a small alleyway and tied his long, blond hair into a ponytail, and tucked it under a hairnet. He then put on a wig with short black hair and replaced his jacket with a black suit. It was way warmer than back at home, so he didn't need that thick one anymore.

He protested against short black hair because it reminded him of Third, but he didn't have enough time to change it. This needed to be done.

A random man emerged from the shadows.

"What are you doing here, little boy? Should you be running home now?

Mikhail stared at this stranger with a menacing glare and mouthed the words "Talk again and you'll regret it."

"Jeez, okay man! I'm leaving, I'm leaving."

Mikhail suspired, annoyed, and walked away.

"I really hate the city."




"Okay! We're here. Berlin, 1922."

Casimir looked around the town, taking in the sights. He shook his head. This wasn't the time to take in the sights! He had to look for his son! That was the critical task at hand.

Casimir stuck out of the crowd. A lot. He didn't realize it but was in a very dangerous position.

He walked around the town a bit, trying not to ask any of the ghost locals for directions.

"Where in the world would Mikhail be?"

He came across this small building set farther than the outskirts of the town.

"I think this is probably it."

Casimir walked over the building, trying to be vigilant as much as possible.

Footsteps rose behind Casimir.

"What the- Who's there?"

Someone snuck behind Casimir...

And hit him with a rock on his head.




"There! That's the building!"

Mikhail snuck over to the building and walked over to the entrance. He showed the forged ID and was let into the building.

"Ugh, I hate being here again. This has to be the worst place I've ever been in."

"Sir, Commander Third requires your assistance."

Mikhail sighed silently and turned around. He was met with a man with light brown hair, like the color of cork, cleanly shaved on each side. He looked relatively thin and way younger than him. He had the same transparent hue as most other ghosts.

"Even in the afterlife, he demands to be called 'commander'."

"What is it?"

The man looked at him. "Someone was caught trespassing the land. Commander wants you to take him from the interrogation room to his jail cell."

Mikhail's eyes widened. He made sure no one saw that. Why would someone trespass? Who in their right mind would want to risk their ghostly immortal freedom to get caught by the world's worst man? Well, aside from him. That was different.

"Again, feeling like a hypocrite."

Mikhail sighed once again and nodded.

"Will do. Which jail cell will he go into?"

"The very last one at the end of the hallway. That one's usually saved for special prisoners! I wonder who they caught!"

"Okay then."

The man then walked away. Mikhail was surprised at the fact that even in the afterlife, these men would still work for the villain Third was.

"These poor souls stuck up on a positive view on Third. He puts up a stupid facade because he can't do the dirty work himself. Coward."

He thought about it. Who would have Third seen trespassing? He's never used that jail cell except for 'important' prisoners.

Like him...

He walked down the hall, down to the interrogation room. He knew where everything was. He'd been in this building many times before when he was alive.

He arrived at the room, and a man was kneeling on the floor, with a guard behind him.

The man on the floor was bleeding very badly, and he looked beaten up.

"I... I told you. Mikhail isn't... coming." The man wheezed and looked up at Mikhail who stood in front of him.

Mikhail was filled with dread.

They had beaten his father.

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