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Miles' arms burned with exhaustion, his body glistening with a sheen of sweat that bore testament to his rigorous workout. The rhythmic thuds against the punching bag echoed in the makeshift training area, punctuating the air with each powerful strike. As his fists finally met the bag for the last time, he released a heavy sigh, surrendering his spent body to the welcoming embrace of the nearby couch. His chest heaved, and the once-taut braids that crowned his head now cascaded over his shoulders, framing a face marked by determination.

Gently, he began the ritual of unwinding the pristine white tape that had encased his hands, its remnants spiraling downward in a haphazard dance towards the floor. The act was methodical, practiced, almost soothing in its familiarity. The tension that had gripped his knuckles and wrists gradually released, mirroring the release of the pent-up energy that had fueled his training session.

The hands of the clock had swept through hours as Aaron ventured to the freshly established Alchemax location. His mission: to steal the cutting-edge weaponry stashed within. Initially slated to accompany Aaron, Miles had been ensnared by a prior engagement with his mom. When he eventually reached his uncle's place, he found himself confronted by an empty apartment. Cursing himself, he just switched through the workout machines until his body gave up on him.

The revelation of his uncle's illicit activities had kindled a fierce fire within Miles. The desire to avenge his father's death, to hold the one responsible for his pain accountable, had become an all-consuming drive. For the past ten months, Miles had immersed himself in relentless training. By day, he navigated the halls of Visions Academy, his facade that of a diligent student. But when the sun dipped beneath the horizon, he transformed into a masked vigilante, joining forces with Aaron to wreak havoc upon the forces of corruption.

The summer break provided an opportune backdrop for his endeavors. With no academic obligations to encumber him, Miles had honed his skills with unwavering dedication. He had become a whirlwind of activity, a blur of motion both within the halls of learning and among the shadows where justice met vengeance.

As Miles settled onto the couch, his fatigue luring him towards a brief respite, a subtle sound pierced the air – the soft creak of a window yielding to intrusion. His instincts surged to the forefront, snapping him into an alert posture. In a heartbeat, he was on his feet, his hand instinctively gripping his uncle's abandoned beer bottle. Without hesitation, he hurled it toward the source of the sound, his muscles acting in tandem with his heightened senses. The bottle sailed through the air, a transient projectile propelled by a mixture of anticipation and readiness.

On the opposing end, a figure draped in shades of regal purple displayed an uncanny swiftness, snatching the bottle deftly from its trajectory before it could crash against the room's perimeter. A curt movement of the figure's arm dispatched the bottle out of the window, as his eyes, obscured by his mask, bore into the latecomer.

"Where were ya?" The voice, tinged with a hint of impatience, sliced through the air.
A sigh of resignation escaped Miles' lips, his tone a mix of exasperation and contrition. "Hijueputa..." he muttered, his gaze dropping momentarily before he met Aaron's gaze head-on. "Was busy."

A derisive snort emanated from Aaron, his incredulity palpable. "Busy with what?" He shook his head, the disapproval evident in his tone. "You got any idea how important this is, Miles?"

Miles' jaw clenched, the tension radiating from his rigid stance. His response was laced with a steely resolve. "Yeah, I know. You don't have to keep reminding me every damn second."

Aaron let out an exasperated groan, his frustration a visible shadow beneath his mask. He pulled the mask off his head, the action serving as a visible sign of exasperation. Miles was well aware of Aaron's reservations about his involvement in their affairs. It was a boundary Aaron had erected, a barrier to shield Miles from the dangerous life he led. Yet, despite the unspoken understanding, Miles had committed too deeply to this path to retreat now.

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 - Prowler Miles X OCWhere stories live. Discover now