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It had been a few days since Redson was saved by Mk, along with DBK and PIF being saved by Kage (the creator of the scroll) . Redson and his parents were being taken care of in cozy dim rooms with candles and blankets. They were all in comas until-
"Hang on Mei I'm getting a call." Said Mk who was just having a conversation with his best dragon friend. "Hello is this Xiaotian?" Said the lady on the other line. "Mhm !" - "Well we wanted to notify that the patient you brought in has woken up. You may visit anytime between 1pm and 4pm. Thank you !" The lady then hung up.

"Mei! Mei! Redsons awake ! We can go visit in 20 minutes." Mk said excited. "Great! I'll go grab some noodles for him before we go, so I'll catch up with you in a bit." Mei said. "Sounds like a plan!"
About 25 minutes later
Mk walked into the room where Redson was being taken care of and started to walk towards his bed. Redson turned and noticed Mk.
"What the hell?" Said Redson pointing at Mk's tail. "Oh yeah, cool right? Took me some getting used to as well!" Mk chuckled. Redson smiled slightly. "What even happened?" Redson questioned. "Well after you were captured in the ink scroll, Kage went and saved your parents. Me and Tang got you out and brought you here since you weren't waking up but you were still breathing" Mk explained. "Thanks..I guess." Said Redson-"No problem, you're our friend! Oh and Mei is coming too, she just went to grab some of Pigsy's noodles for you."-"friend?" Asked Redson. "Well yeah, I mean we just figured since the last time we saw you we got along pretty well, and the fact that I saved you" Mk smiled awkwardly. "Alright we can be friends I guess, never thought I'd be friends with peasants though" Redson said in a joking tone, Mk rolled his eyes and chuckled.

Mei came in with spicy noodles for Redson after a few minutes.
"Heya Redboy! Got you some spicy noodles from Pigsy's." Said Mei. "RedSON, but thanks anyway." Redson said taking the noodles. "You like Mk's new form? Super cool, right?!" Asked Mei. Redson shrugged. "Oh and his new form comes with this too!" -

Mei then proceeded to open Mk's mouth, revealing his fangs to Redson .
"Meii! Stop!" Mk said annoyed and pushed her off. "I think they're cute." Redson said, making mk blush a little.

421 words
K byeeee see you next chapter 💝

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