Chapter 8: Lessons in Magic

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Eddie continued to guide Draco in the subtle art of magic, exploring spells and enchantments that went beyond the confines of the standard curriculum. Draco's skills flourished under Eddie's mentorship, and he discovered a newfound passion for magic beyond his previous ambitions. Together, they experimented with new charms and found innovative ways to blend Eddie's spectral abilities with Draco's living wizardry.

The magic they practiced was unlike any other, a fusion of the living and the deceased, blending the corporeal and ethereal. The magic became an extension of their unique bond, a tangible representation of the extraordinary love that connected them. As they practiced side by side, their connection deepened further, and they found themselves becoming an unstoppable force of compassion and understanding.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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