Chapter 39: Dear Tom

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Lyrics had been running through Taylor Swift's head the whole day. She didn't think it was good enough to be a new song yet, but the lyrics kept flooding her head with powerful emotions as she sat in class, walked in the halls, and especially now. As she sat alone in the cafeteria, clutching a letter her mama had just sent her. It was laced with worry towards her daughter, how Taylor had been acting strangely recently. But what could Taylor say to that?

And my mother accused me of losing my mind, but I swore I was fine.

Secretly, she knew it had to have something to do with Tom. Ever since her first year of school she'd been writing in an enchanted diary that would write back to her. He would ask her to do things, and she would do them...some of the things being not so pleasant. But when he asked her to do something she didn't want to do, she would wake up hours later to discover that some mysterious evil being had done it.

And I lived in your chess game, but you changed the rules every day

She was tired of doing his bidding. Tired of wondering if she was evil or not. Tired of wondering who Tom really was. But when she had these thoughts, her mind would be pushed into remembering all the wonderful things Tom had done for her. How he had supported her when she was starting up her solo gig. How he was always there when she needed to rant. There was something more too, she felt an almost magical attachment to him. When she thought she wanted to end things with him, she would feel a powerful platonic love towards him.

One time, Taylor even tried to throw the diary down the toilet. It took everything in her to throw the diary away, but had managed to do it. The whole time she was completely stressed out, feeling completely empty without the diary by her side. Needing an outlet, she had written an entire album titled Fearless while the diary was out of her possession.

When Zayn Malfoylick had given her the diary back, revealing that he knew she was a secret DeathEater, she had felt a complete sense of relief. It wasn't as if a missing piece of her had been returned, it was as if her entire existence had been made right.

She had learned soon after that, her first best friend Tom Riddle was secretly He-Who-Is-Too-Groovy-To-Be-Named, and she had been helping him rise to power. But she couldn't feel bad about helping out her boyfriend's mortal enemy, she felt far too attached to Tom to do anything that would hurt him...though it didn't stop her from hating him at times.

Taylor had told Tom about their group finding the horcruxes as soon as Ni brought it up. Zayn, who was also a spy for the DeathEaters was being astoundingly loyal to Tom, telling Taylor about how he had no clue how Ni had found out about the horcruxes, but that he had to go along with it so that Ni and the rest of 1D wouldn't catch on to where his loyalties actually laid.

1D now had a horcrux in their possession, but Tom said not to worry, they were indestructible for the most part, and 1D had no way of destroying them. He said that if they started to collect more, Taylor and Zayn could just sneak into the Room of Requirements and retrieve them so that the DeathEaters could play with the horcrux instruments at the Battle of the Boybands.

Currently, she was hanging out in the great hall with everyone. It was December and the Yule ball was approaching fast. Taylor didn't know what she would do if she and Harry didn't win. They were supposed to be the best power couple in school. I mean, he had that James Dean daydream look in his eyes and she had that red lip classic thing that he liked. They were practically destined to win.

Taylor had written in her diary about it, hoping maybe Tom could reassure her, but when he wrote back he just called her a ninny.

Wondering which version of you I might get on the diary tonight

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