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•Jisung's home

Jisung was currently laying in bed rethinking his life decisions. He never understood why he had to go to school this early. All his will to live was going to be drained at school anyways so mightaswell start the day a bit energized right? But nope, there he was trying to snuggle out of his warm bed. Well, maybe if he didn't spent all night helping his parents with baking he wouldn't have been this tired but his parents and their bakery are the most important and precious things in his life therefore he would do anything for them. As he yawned Jisung finally managed to stand up as he headed to the bathroom to do his morning routine. After he was done he putted on his ugly uniform that he couldn't wait to burn after school ends.

He thought that he looked atleast decent so he went downstairs to feed his empty stomach. "Oh goodmorning honey! You are 5 minutes earlier than usual that's suprising... " Jisung's mom greeted him as she kept on mixing the cake batter. "Morning mom and I do not have any energy to deal with your sarcasm right now save it for after I come back from school." Jisung greeted her back with a forced smile. "Where is dad?" Jisung asked since his dad would always help his mom out in the mornings. "Oh he heard that the Hwang Bakery across the street got some new decors so he went to buy some for our bakery as expected of him. I don't know why they got this stupid rivalry going on it's so unnecessary." She replied rolling her eyes.

"No, mom you just don't get it! They always try to copy us and lure our customers into their bakery, it annoys me soooo much. Oh and don't even get me started on that BRAT Hyunjin..." Jisung said. He was having a rather calm morning until Hyunjin was mentioned. Hyunjin was his biggest enemy, his worst nightmare. Jisung always prays that one day their bakery will magically get burned or crash down. Ever since they moved into this town and opened their bakery, the Hwang Bakery was always there. They started selling lemonade, the Hwang Bakery did too, they started making ice cream, guess what the Hwang Bakery did too and on and on. Of course if you asked them the Han Bakery was the one copying but in Jisung's opinion it was all Hyunjin's fault.

Ever since the first day he saw Hyunjin his life has gotten gradually worst and the fact that they go to the same school does not help AT ALL. It has became a part of his daily routine to insult or annoy Hyunjin. His favorite thing in the world was seeing Hyunjin's pissed face after Jisung "accidently" drops or spill things inside the Hwang Bakery.

Jisung luckily doesn't get grounded for annoying Hyunjin becouse his father, Mr. Han, also hates Mr. Hwang. Their rivalry goes way back. They used to be best friends in school but after they opened these bakeries their friendship turned into hate. Jisung sometimes feels bad for his father becouse he can see how his father misses the old times sometimes.

" Bye mom the bus will be here soon! " Jisung shouted before grabbing his backpack and croissant to eat on the way and exiting the house. "Bye Jisungie be careful!" his mom shouted after him as he ran out of the house.


After a miserable bus ride Jisung finally came to school. He was supposed to meet his friends at the front gate but he was a bit early so he decided to wait there. Jisung was just scrolling through social media when his enemy approached him. "Well well look who we have here." Hyunjin smirked. "Ugh Hyunjin why do I have to look at your ugly face this early in the morning!" Jisung complained. "Aww it's not good to lie you know I would say I'm pretty handsome. Anyways are you lost squirrel?" Hyunjin said as he winked at Jisung. Hyunjin knew how to annoy Jisung, he loved seeing the other's face scrunch up in disgust. It was what made his day.

"Fuck off Hyunjin and don't call me that, I'm warning you." Jisung said trying to look as intimidating as possible but he knew that he probably looked even more like a squirrel now. "Thank you for amusing me again squirrel." Hyunjin said as he walked away but he suddenly turned around. "Also tell your dad to get his own ideas." Hyunjin said laughing in Jisung's face. "I swear I will murder you someday! And your dad is the one copying mine so shut up!" Jisung said and stormed off. Hyunjin knew how to make Jisung flustered and Jisung hated that.

As he headed over to his classroom he realized that he was supposed to wait for his friends but it was too late to go back so he just decided that he would explain to them later. He got into the classroom and sat down but one thought just wouldn't leave his head. "Is Hyunjin handsome?" Jisung quickly shook off that thought. That couldn't be possible, right? With his long shiny hair, perfect smile, cute mole and worst of all with his mesmerizing eyes he sure is ugly Jisung told himself.

While Jisung was deep in thought his friends, Felix and Seungmin came into the classroom and sat infront of him. "Hey Jiiii" Felix shouted as he hugged Jisung. "Hi you didn't wait for us so let me guess you ran into that rat?" Seungmin said throwing an arm around Felix. "You know me too well Min." Jisung said smiling bitterly. He was thinking of ways he could torture Hyunjin. Poison? Hanging? Stabbing? Drowning? Oh, maybe he could feed him cupcakes until he explodes. "Speaking of that rat look who sat behind you Ji." Felix said trying to hide his smile. Jisung quickly looked behind him and of course, it had to be him. Hyunjin gave his most innocent but fake smile to Jisung becouse he knew it would make Jisung annoyed. Jisung huffed and turned around. "Why me? WHY?" He thought to himself.

The teacher walked in apologizing for being late. The lesson was pretty boring but atleast Jisung didn't had to do anything related to Hyunjin. After the lesson was over Jisung, Felix and Seungmin ran out of the classroom to get fresh air becouse most of their classmates smelled like a monkeys butt. "Hyunjin smells good tho." Jisung thought. "Huh? What the hell?! Did that rat brainwash me or something?" Jisung whispered so no one else could hear him. Jisung was starting to think nice things about Hyunjin and it was driving him crazy. "Oh guys by the way we are making a new flavored cupcake for our bakery. It will come out tonight!" Jisung excitedly said to distract himself from these thoughts. "OOOH what flavor? You will bring some to your mates right Jiii?" Felix said wiggling his brows at Jisung. "Felix you look like a creapy old man when you do that! Also I'm really happy for you Ji, we know how much you love your bakery." Seungmin said as he brought both of his friends for a hug. Yes, sometimes they fought or roasted eachother but they truly cared for one another.

"Don't worry guys I will make sure that you guys will be the first people to taste it! And it's lemon and raspberry flavored with a hint of coconut and cinnamon. The Hwang Bakery won't be able copy that!" Jisung said excitedly as he high fived his friends. His mood was finally starting to rise up. Little did he know a certain someone had heard this conversation and was planning something evil.

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