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Jisung was on the verge of tears. He regretted getting drunk and going over to that idiots house so much. He wiped away his tears and ran home as fast as he could. He made sure to calm down before  knocking on the door. His mom opened the door with a smile on her face but that smile dissapeared as soon as she saw that Jisung's hands were empty. "Hey honey where are the berries? We have been waiting for you to get started on the cupcakes." Her mom asked. "I'm sorry mom... That  brat took the last packet and I couldn't stop him." Jisung couldn't hold back his tears anymore. He hated Hyunjin so much that it drove him crazy. His mother pulled Jisung into a warm hug. "Don't apologize or cry Sungie! It's okay I can drive you to another supermarket give me a second to get ready, okay?" Jisung's mom said wiping away his tears. Jisung nodded and mentally scolded himself for letting Hyunjin get to him like this.

His mother came back after a few minutes. She grabbed her jacket and they headed to their car. His mom drove them to the supermarket that was a few blocks away. It was bigger than the one closer to them so Jisung was sure they would get the berries this time. Jisung waited in the car as her mom got the berries and they happily drove bsck home. Jisung couldn't wait to see the look on Hyunjin's face at school tomorrow after seeing them get even more costumers.

They finally arrived home after 20 minutes. Jisung got out of the car and decided to go over to the Hwang Bakery to see what they were up to while his mom got to baking the cupcakes. Jisung only had to walk for a few minutes after ending up at Hwang Bakery. He stood infront of the display and scanned the various pastries and desserts. His eyes landed on some cupcakes that looked like they had raspberries in them and they had a bit of sugar on top. "That's why that rat was buying berries." Jisung thought. "What are you looking at?" Hyunjin asked leaning against the door frame. Jisung jumped in shock which made Hyunjin burst out laughing. "You brat just leave me alone I hate you, I will report you to the police for blackmailing me!" Jisung yelled in anger. Hyunjin was getting even more amused everytime Jisung spoke. "Okay chill squirrel how about I give you one of our new raspberry cupcakes? They are made with a special recipe." Hyunjin suggested. Jisung was going to deny it at first but he was too curious to say no.

"Fine let's see what you made but make sure to get me a trash bag in case I throw up!" Jisung snickered as Hyunjin rolled his eyes and went inside to get the cupcake. "Wait... what a coincidence that they made raspberrie cupcakes when we were thinking about making them. Something about this is so suspicious." Jisung thought as he glanced at Hyunjin who was currently inside getting a cupcake from the glass display. Hyunjin got the cupcake and walked over to Jisung to give it to him.

Jisung took a bite of the cupcake. A familiar taste of raspberries covered the inside of his mouth but there was something else in there. Jisung froze in place as he recognized the familiar taste. Raspberry muffin with cinnamon, lemon and a hint of coconut. Jisung dropped the cupcake he was holding and slowly looked up to meet Hyunjin's gaze. Without thinking he slapped Hyunjin. Jisung was so mad that he thought there was smoke coming out of his ears. "How could you huh? I know you hate me and the feeling is mutual but you went too far Hwang! I hate you... I fucking hate you. Do you know how hard we worked for this recipe? My mom didn't sleep for days just to perfect the taste you brat!" Jisung was officially crying infront of Hyunjin as he hit Hyunjin's chest over and over again. Hyunjin was silent. He couldn't speak, the feeling of guilt hit him. Hyunjin knew he went too far and he didn't know how to fix it. "I'm..." Hyunjin didn't want to say it but he had to put his ego to the side for now. "I'm sorry Jisung, I went too far I will take the cupcakes down I'm truly sorry." Hyunjin said looking anywhere but the boy infront of him. Jisung chuckled in disbelief. "Yeah Hwang you better take those down before my parents see them." Hyunjin nodded slyly and went inside leaving an annoyed Jisung alone.

Jisung just stood there for a while trying to calm himself and wiping away his tears. As he made his way home he rethinked the conversation in his head. Did Hyunjin actually apologize to him? Was he truly sorry? "Ugh I cried infront of Hwang Hyunjin! I would've preferred kissing a frog to crying infront him. Fuck my life." Jisung whined on his way back home. He knocked on the door and this time his dad opened it. The smell of raspberries hit his nose.

"What took you so long?" Mr. Han asked to his son as Jisung stepped inside. He decided not to tell his father about what happened becouse he had enough drama for today. "Oh, I just ran into Felix on my way." Jisung lied. "Honey you are back! The cupcakes are ready here try one." Mrs. Han came over with a tray of cupcakes. Jisung grabbed one and took a big bite almost choking on it.

He hated to admit that the cupcake was good but the Hwang Bakery's was better. "It's so delicious mom but something is missing... what about sprinkling some sugar on top?" Jisung suggested. If Hyunjin stole his idea first he could steal his in return right? "Good idea, my son you are truly good at this." His mom said smiling proudly. She brought some powdered sugar to sprinkle on top.

Jisung took the trey full of cupcakes to bring it to their bakery. As he stepped outside of the house he saw a familiar silhouette standing outside the bakery. Jisung walked over to the silhouette, recognizing it immediately. "What do you want now Hwang, here to make fun of me again?" Jisung said emotionlessly. "Look I felt guilty okay? I don't know why I'm here I just wanted to make sure you're fine." Hyunjin replied making eye contact with Jisung. Jisung was hit with a sudden wave of emotions. Why was Hyunjin being nice all of a sudden and most importantly why was he feeling butterflies in his stomach?

- Ik I said I would update soon but oopsies 🤠 -

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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