wired that way

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Lately, I've been labeling myself as a problem rather than a person. I feel almost like a disease. As if anyone I touch turns to dust and rots into a negative person. I blame myself for arguments, I blame myself for problems, and I will take it out on myself. I'll lock myself away in my room, just to protect people from my existence alone. I feel like a sickness, something that isn't meant to be there yet follows you around to cause problems. I have this urge to go unrecognized, I want to isolate myself. This self-hatred spreads throughout my mind and body quicker than wildfire. Some days, I will feel tired, though not from a physical standpoint, yet a mental one. My brain feels drowsy as if it were sleeping, leaving me trapped. Alone with these feelings and thoughts. It is as if the doors to my mind are shut to the world, trapping my thoughts and allowing them to roam freely in my head.

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