a melody of a blur

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My mind is a blur, unable to keep up with reality. the world around me seems to move in slow motion, dull and fuzzy as if seen through hazy glass. My thoughts feel jumbled up and incoherent, like a scattered mess that I can't make sense of. It is as if my brain is a poisonous tree, spreading its toxic pollen throughout my body. The mold from the tree's spores poisoning my lungs and making it unbearable to breathe. I feel insufferable, like a walking, breathing toxin. The blurring feeling is so painful, yet sounds oddly beautiful. It's like one of those sad songs, the ones that you can't describe how it truly makes you feel, yet hit deep within. You manage to relate in a way, the reasoning not being the lyrics of the song but the sound. The feeling, the cold, body chilling, beautiful sounds of haziness. To most, that sound is nothing. "Just a guitar and a sad melody." they'll say. But to me, it's the melody of my mind.

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