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Pt. 1
Oaklyn's POV
2 weeks before the encounter

I shuffle in my sleep as my ringtone blares in my sleep. My eyes peel open seeing my moms caller Id light up my screen. I groan and answer. "Hello?" I say groggily. "Oaklyn are you just now waking up?" She slightly booms through the phone.

"Yeah I just woke up ma, why so loud" I say with another groan. " you need to fix your sleeping schedule, it's 2:35 in the afternoon and you start school in 3 weeks Oaklyn" she rants. With a pause she continues jumping from one topic to another. " where's your brother?" She asks.

" ma I just woke up quite litterally-" I pause and look at the call time "1 minute & 03 seconds ago".  "yeah Mary we're watch a hallmark show" I hear her say to her paitent. My mom. Works as a caregiver in Florida, where as I live in Texas with my dad.

My brothers been here for almost 2 months and he's leaving the weekend I start school. "Love you mommy bye" I mumble. " yeah bye" she says before I press the red button on my screen. I move to check my notifications and the first this I see is my Amazon package delivery updated. Dangerous Hideout by Roman Viat. 'I know what I'll be doing all day I think to myself'.

2 days before the encounter

Once again I shuffle in my sleep. I open one eye to see who's blowing up my phone to see my moms caller I'd waking me up again. I close my eyes and answer the call. "Yes mommy" I mumble into my phone.

" Where's your dad" she immediately asks, skipping all the pleasantries. " I don't know you woke me up" I say in a duh tone. "Go outside and tell him to call me right now" she says. " okay bye" I retort and end the call, mumbling all the curse words my brain can think of in my sleepy state.

I get out my bed and slip on my house slippers and head to my front door walking outside. I head straight to the sound of tools clanking and turn to see my dad. "Daddy mo-" I go to say but I stop in my tracks when I see my dad's girlfriend next to him.

My dads been married for 27 years. He cheated on his wife with my mom multiple times for a couple years and me and my brother were the product. I found out about 5 months ago that he's been having an affair for 9 years with this girl he met god knows where. Apparently she was 18 and he was 36 when this happened.

My dad shuffles under the truck to look at me as if daring me to finish that sentence. " Hi snowbunny" I greet with a smile. "Hey girl, did you just wake up?" She asks. I rub my eyes and mumble a yeah. "What were you saying" she asks. I look at my dad then at her and come up with a lie that will keep me and my dad out of trouble.

"My mom was telling me to tell my dad to call her because she needs our light bill for my school registration." I breathe out and fake a yawn. She laughs and asks me if I'm ready to go to back to school. I look down at my dad to see a ghost of a smile on his face. Sneaky bastard I think.

"Yeah no, I like sleep better" I say to her and we talk for a minute or two before I move to go back inside. I've been dealing the confliction of knowing my dad has 3 people he's leading on. His wife he wants a divorce from. My mom he says he loves but she stresses him out all the time and is very controlling.

His girlfriend of 9 years (more like affair) who pays for allot and causes him nothing but happiness. I've been through allot of shitty things and this was only the tip of the iceberg. I've begin to come to terms that love isn't an option for me and I've seen all the different deceptions people call "love".

I'm okay with being single, don't get me wrong, I want love but I understand that it's not something for me. And I won't let the idea of love get to my head because I can't and won't deal with another devastating heartbreak. Much like the ones coming for 2/3 or all of my dads "women".

I Should've known better...

AN: Hey everyone, welcome to another book. Kinda got the idea while I was at work nd felt the urge to make all the ideas into a short story. Hope you enjoy <3

What would you do in Oaklyns situation?

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