Chapter 7

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Malfoy Mannor

Once Harry was let in he was taken into the dining room where a long table was that sat a couple people but at the end was a man who had white skin, crimson red eyes and a snake like nose. "Ah Harry we were not expecting you until next week but you are here now anyway."

A tall man with blonde hair then spoke up. "Is it alright if I have a word with you alone Mr Potter. That is if I can be excused from the meeting my lord."

"Of course Lucius it is your house after all." Voldemort said.

Lucius then rose from his seat. "Thank you my lord." He then turned to Harry. "Come on then Mr Potter I have something that I would like to discuss with you."

Harry just nodded and followed him up to his study. The walls were a mixture of green and silver obviously representing Slytherin. There were multiple book shelves filled with books on dark wizards and artifacts. Then in the middle of the room there was a desk and a chair on either side.

Lucius then sat down. "Take a seat Mr Potter." Harry reluctantly sat down. "Now I would like to ask you why you are here when we were not expecting to see you here until next week?"

"Well it is because I ran away." Harry said looking at the floor.

"And why did you run away may I ask?"

"Because one of the two only people who actually cared about me and gave me love support ignored me and didn't even make eye contact." Lucius knew who he was on about because he was watching Sirius Black carefully on the platform.

"Are you willing to tell me exactly what happened or would you rather not." Harry nodded signaling that he was okay with telling him.

"So we arrived home and I said something to Sirius and he ignored me, then when we walked in my mudblood mother was stood at the top of the stairs welcoming us home. She then asked what houses we got put into and she didn't seem to disappointed with mine. Then Weasley or my Sister I don't remember said something about me being dark, then I said something about the unloved child always will be called dark, then my mother said something about me not being unloved then I pointed out things that she knew were true. What I find pathetic is that when I walked away to my room she started crying like really.

Once I had gotten to my room I transformed in to my animagus form amd started destroying my room out of pure anger, then Remus Lupin discovered me and then in came Sirius Black amd James and Lily Potter. Me and James had a huge argument which lead to me nearly knocking him out then walking of and coming here." Lucius wasn't two surprised about Lily crying but the way Sirius and James acted to the other child were disgraceful.

"Come with me I want to ask the dark lord something." Harry then stood amd followed the Malfoy Lord out of the room.

They then walled down a corridor and stopping outside a double door. "Wait here." Lucius then knocked on the door amd entered when they opened. 5 minutes later he came out. (Not like that.) "Is there by any chance a forest by Potter Monnor?" He asked

"Yes there is one right behind it." Harry thought for a moment. "Why?"

"Well I just thought that you might want revenge on your former family so I just agreed with the dark lord for a death eater to take you there. You can kill torture capture whoever you like as long as you don't get caught." The blonde wizard told him.

"And who is it that I will be taking for protection?"

"Well I thought it would be appropriate if you brought along Lord Nott as I am aware that you have a good relationship with his son. He is also skilled on the dark arts." Harry then followed him into the room where the death eater meeting was to see Lord Nott in conversation with the woman who let him in.

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