The first night

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{The next evening}

It was sunset in Arendelle and everyone was celebrating Anna's 19th birthday. Elsa was watching everybody as she stood in her usual position.

After a short while, the full moon rose, turned red and flickers of red light appeared round Elsa's body. Elsa twitched and she screamed before everybody evacuated.

{Two hours later}

Elsa managed to regain composure and got up. Hair hair was now brown, her eyes were red, her dress was also red and her heels were black. Anna looked shocked and fell on her butt.

Vampire Elsa: What happened Anna?

The princess stood wide-eyed before saying, "Take a look in the mirror big sister!"

Elsa ran into the castle hallway to look in a mirror and was shocked that her reflection was not there.

Vampire Elsa: What happened to me?!?!

Anna: I don't know Elsa, calm down.

This caused Elsa's neck to twitch and she felt herself growing weaker and then more stronger.

Anna watched her big sister with a sad face. Olaf eventually came into the hallway, looking confused.

Olaf: Hi guys. What happened to Elsa?

Elsa slowly opened her eyes before giving an evil grin, her fangs were easily exposed so Anna and Olaf could see.

Anna: Oh my goodness...Elsa?.....

Olaf: Elsa...has become a...a...

Vampire Elsa: I'm now queen of the vampires. HAHAHAHA!!!

Olaf and Anna gasped.

The mind and powers of Count Dracula had taken over Elsa which changed her ice powers into dark vampire magic.

Vampire Elsa: Oh yes, I feel like 1,000,000 times the queen I was before.

Anna: Elsa....please.... I don't want to see you like this!

Elsa looked at Anna with an evil glare, her eyes flashed red.

Vampire Elsa: Sorry little sister but I have chores to be done.

And with the Elsa ran down the hallway to change every inch of the castle.

Anna and Olaf looked at each other and headed to bed.

Frozen Story- The vampire curseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن