1.0 Walking home (novi)

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The familiar bell rings, and the whole class begins stuffing papers and folders into their bags, and of course, you're doing the same. This was the last class on your schedule: literature, and you absolutely fucking hate analyzing the significance of a shitstain on a rug. You should've started packing before the bell, because now that you're fifteen seconds later than usual to leave the classroom, the entire hall is already crowded.

As you step outside, the gloomy gray sky greets you, and the gentle breeze kisses your exposed skin. The weather is warming to the point where your coat becomes more of a nuisance than a necessity. You begin your twenty minute walk home, already anticipating mild soreness in your calves by the time you see your front door.

To make your walk worthwhile, other than getting closer to your home of course, you tune your pocket radio to a music station, since your parents are too cheap to get you data for your phone. You plug the wire of your earbuds into the radio, and insert the buds into the ears, before you remember that the station you listen to is absolute hot garbage and hasn't changed songs in a year.

You eventually get within viewing range of your house, only three minutes left. The radio abruptly cuts to a different broadcast. The horrid sound of an emergency alarm blares into your ears, before transitioning to a robotic, cringe inducing voice.

"This is a message from the Ministry of Defense, I repeat, this is a message from the Ministry of Defense. Please enter a basement immediately, I repeat, please enter a basement immediately."

A white light from a source behind you illuminates your surrounding blindingly bright, you don't dare to look at it. After a second light turns more of a yellow color, as the ground begins to shake. A deafeningly loud thunder roars into your ears, and a burning hot gush of wind blows past.

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