Chapter Eight

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So I heard from one of my minions that my brother is finally gonna break his curse and is back in our lovely little hometown to do it, maybe I should pay my dear older brother a little visit hmm yes that is exactly what I am going to do.

-2 Hours Later-

So its been two hours and I just passed the Welcome to Mystic Falls sign reminding me just how much I hate this town but I am here for Nik so I shall put that aside for now, so now to find where my brother is staying I decide to leave my car parked at the Mystic Grill, I roll my eyes at the name, okay wow how original and I follow my brother's sent to an apartment building and it leads me to a certain apartment where I can here the song Superman by Eminem blaring from inside which is kinda odd because I know for a fact that Nik doesn't like this type of music so I decide just to walk on in and I see Katerina and this very pretty blond girl that I've never met before.

I shrug, oh well I walk further into the apartment and neither one of them has noticed me yet so I decide to listen to their conversation, Katerina look over at the blonde "oh dear god Klaus is gonna kill me for getting you drunk."

The blonde look over at her "Oh Relaxxxx Kat I am perfectly fine and I'm not drunk maybe slightly buzzed but not drunk"

"Well then if he kills me for this It's on you"

"oh come on Kat, he won't touch you I can assure you of that"

"And why would that be?"

"Because he's not allowed to touch you"

I notice the amused look on Katerina's face "Says who?"

The blonde girl smirked at her "says me Kat, just trust me you'll be perfectly fine" after that is when I decide to make my presence known

"Hello Katerina" she looks at me fearfully oh goody she's afraid of me then I look at the Blonde "and who might you be?"

Then Blondie looks at me and says "well I could ask you same thing."

Ohh so Blondie has some nerve to talk to me like that. "just tell me who you are before I lose my temper and trust me you will not like it if I lose my temper."

She looks at me like whatever "My name's Alexis but you can call me Lex, Alex, or Lexi. Your turn."

I smirk at the blonde, "the names Lilith Mikaelson, but I suppose you can call me Lili."

"Okay then Lili, it's nice to finally meet you... I have heard so much about you." Alexis says to me. What the hell does she mean by that? And then I think about it for a moment and boom light bulb moment this must be the girl Nik told me about though he didn't tell me her name.

Then Lex gets up and walks over to the stereo and changes the song to Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy, and I look at her with an approving look "Nice choice."

Lex grinned at me "Thank You! finally, someone who likes the music I listen to"

I chuckled lightly giving her a look "what does that mean?"

She let out an exasperated sigh "Well Kat doesn't like my music all that much and don't even get me started on what Nik thinks about my music so that makes you the only one here who likes the same music as me."

I nodded at her, "oh well then okay."

~3 Days Later~ (Still Lilith's POV)

It's been 3 days since I got here and I can tolerate Katerina now and me and Lex are like best friends now, she told me about her relationship with my brother, which I already knew some things about because Nik told me about her, and I'm happy for him that he finally found someone that he can be happy with that loves him for who he is and won't try and change him.

Katerina decided she was gonna go out for a while and that just left me and Lex so I look at her "what do you want to do Lex?" but before she could answer me the door opened and in walked some guy with green eyes that I don't know but Lex looks at him "What do you want Stefan?" But she says his name with disgust in her voice.

He looks at her "where's Klaus?"

Lex shrugged, "How should I know I haven't seen him in like 3 days if that's all you can go now"

He looks at Lex "I'm not leaving until I talk to Klaus."

Lex rolled her eyes, "ugh whatever just go over there and don't talk"

he just gives her a look "Why do you hate me so much Alexis?" "

"Well Stefan because you are my sister boy toy and anything that my sister likes I hate on principal, so there ya go."

"Why do you hate your sister so much then?"

She scoffed at him, "Because I have my reason that I'm not gonna tell you because you're just gonna run back and tell her what I said..." she trailed off, with a wince and faux sad look, "Oh, wait you can't tell her because she's dead now oops."

Stefan looks at her "and you don't even care that your sister is dead?"

Lex snorted "nope I don't even care... what do you take me for I couldn't stand the bitch."

Then he just looks at her like 'wow are you that heartless' and Lex just brushes him off like he's not even there and looks at me "Sorry about that Lili, you were saying?"

I smirked at her, "oh no Lex its fine really that was quiet entertaining"

She laughs "okay then."

Then I hear the door open again and then Nik walks in with Elijah and Lex walk over to Nik and says "look who decided to drop in for a visit."

Nik looks over at Stefan and says "you just keep popping up don't you."

Stefan looks at Nik and says "I need your help it's my brother he was bitten by a werewolf and the witches say you have the cure for a werewolf bite."

Nik smirked at him, "ah yes" and then he bites his wrist and then squeezes the blood into a little container then Stefan says "you're bloods the cure?"

"yes mother nature and her loopholes." Stefan goes to grab it but Nik pulled it away "first let's a make a deal. What do you say a decade long bender for the cure for your brother?"

Stefan then agrees with no hesitation, "Okay I'll do it just give it to me for him."

"Not so fast mate first have a drink." And Nik tosses him a blood bag.

Then Stefan says "I'm not like that anymore." And then Nik goes to pour the blood out when Stefan's like fine and takes the blood bag and drinks it then Nik keeps giving him more and more till Stefan finally says "enough I'm not drinking anymore until the cure gets to my brother."

Nik looks over at Lex "Lex sweetheart come over here"

She walks over to him "what is it Nik?"

"I want you to deliver this for Stefan okay my love?"

Lex nodded at him "okay," and Nik and gave the cure to Lex and she walks out the door.

:D we got to meet Lili this chapter and she and Lex get along really well which isn't a surprise Lex will get on with all of Nik's siblings. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy chapter eight. 

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