Chapter Twelve

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I still have a really bad feeling about us going back to Mystic Falls but if Nik says we'll be okay then I know we will. We have been driving for quite some time now, oh and I love being a vampire, the speed, the strength, being able to see everything it's amazing, but anyway enough about me we just pulled up to Tyler's house and I look over at Nik "what are we doing here?"

"Well love we are going to be moving the homecoming dance here"

I shrugged "oh okay, I hope you know that I am not wearing a dress to this stupid dance I hate school dances"

Nik chuckled, "that's fine love I'm not going to force you to dress up"

I grinned at him, "good because we both know it's no use arguing with me" then he gets out of the car and walks around to my side and he opens my door for me and offers me his hand I take it and he pulls me up out of the car, we walk up to the door and ring the door bell and Carol answers the door "Hi Carol"

"Oh my Lexi what a surprise I wasn't aware you were back in town, come on in."

I smiled at the woman, "thank you Carol, can my boyfriend here come in?"

"Sure come on in" and Nik walks over the threshold Carol smiles at me "well I really must be off it was nice to see you again Lexi and it was nice to meet you" then she walks right of the door.

Nik looks at me "You did that without compelling her how?"

I smile at him "well Carol loves me like I'm her own daughter so it wasn't that hard, like I mentioned before Tyler and I have been best friends since we were toddlers so the Lockwood's have always been like a second family to me."

Nik nodded in understanding, "ohhh I see"

"yeah so when am I going to meet the rest of your siblings? I've meet Bekah and Lili and Kol in a sense, but I have yet to meet Elijah and Finn"

Nik just smiled at me, "Soon my love very soon"

I nod at him and yell "TYLER!"

He comes down the stairs "oh hey Lexi"

I smirked at him, "so how's the hybrid life treating you?"

He looks at me for a moment, "something seems different about you" I grinned and flash my fangs at him "you're a vampire now?"

"Yeah I am, I wanted to be one and I got what I wanted and you already know Klaus so there is no introduction needed here"

Then Nik turn towards Ty and I tune out the conversation then I hear Nik say "so it's settled Homecoming will be held here" as Nik walks out I turn towards him "I'll be out in a minute"

He nodded "okay sweetheart"

After he walks out Ty looks at me "so that's the boyfriend you were talking about?"

I nodded at Tyler, "yeah he's the boyfriend I was talking about"

Tyler smiled "well as long as your happy I'm happy for you Lexi"

I grinned at him, "Thanks Ty, I better go, but we'll talk later" then I follow after Nik out of the house.

-Skip to Homecoming-

I was standing by Nik as he was playing beer pong when one of his hybrids walks up to him "you have a visitor"
"Well tell them to wait I'm on the verge of winning."

"He says his name is Mikael"

"Ahh well we mustn't keep our guest of honor waiting shall we?" then he turns to me "I want you to stay inside the threshold of the house where he can't touch you okay?"

I nodded at him, "okay Nik I'll stay inside if it'll make you feel better"

"It will"

"okay" then I follow Nik to the door and see a man standing there whom I am assuming is Mikael and I kind of zone out of the conversation I tend to zone out of things that I am not a part of when I zone back in I see Nik drive the stake through Mikael's heart, good he deserves to die for all the pain he's caused Nik, Bekah, and Lili and all of them I see Nik walk up to Stefan and release him from his compulsion after Stefan disappears I look at Nik "are you okay?"

"I'm fine my love"

I gave him a look, "See I told you something bad was gonna happen"

Nik nodded, "indeed you did my love but as I promised nothing happened to you."

"Alright can we go home now Nik?"

"Of course we can love" we get into the car and after a few minutes we pull up to this mansion and park in front of it "welcome to the newly finished Mikaelson Manor."

"Wow Nik you really outdid yourself this is incredible."

"Come on and I will give you the grand tour of our new home"

I smiled at him with a nod, "okay" we walk inside and he shows me the entire house and when we walk back downstairs there is a man in a suit standing there who I am going to guess is Elijah, Nik just gives him a confused look "Hello, Niklaus, by your shocked expression I say you weren't the one to pull the dagger out of me." Then he looks at me "and who is this?"

I look between the two of them "okay well this is awkward I'm gonna go and leave you two to this little reunion, I am going to go and check on Jenna and Jeremy" I walk over and peck Nik on the lips "oh and I'm borrowing your car Nik"

He rolls his eyes but hands me his keys anyway "just don't starch it sweetheart" I roll my eyes and walk out of the house to his car and get in the driver seat.

Here is Chapter 12 :D hope you guys enjoy it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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