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Charles felt a sense of anticipation and excitement as the private jet landed in Canada for the race weekend

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Charles felt a sense of anticipation and excitement as the private jet landed in Canada for the race weekend. He turned to Lewis, sitting beside him, and asked, "Are you excited about the race, Lewis?"

Lewis stopped briefly and admired Charles' green eyes and dimpled smile. Despite the challenging season for Mercedes, Lewis maintained his usual positive outlook. "Yeah, I'm excited," he replied. "I'm hoping for a good race and maybe a little luck on our side."

Charles couldn't resist the surge of affection he felt for the British driver. In a moment of spontaneity, he leaned closer and pressed his lips against Lewis', engaging him in a passionate French kiss. The connection between them felt electric, and the moment lingered as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.

When they stepped off the jet, with their hands tightly intertwined, Lewis gratefully noted that it was dark out so their closeness would mostly go unnoticed apart from his bodyguard taking their luggage to the waiting car and the driver. But there weren't really that many people around to pay too much attention to them getting off a flight together.

As they settled into the elegant car, Charles couldn't help but steal glances at Lewis. His heart fluttered, overwhelmed by admiration for his companion's resilience and positivity. Without a second thought, Charles leaned in and pressed his lips against Lewis's, indulging in a passionate French kiss.

The unexpected display of affection caught Lewis off guard, but he quickly reciprocated the gesture, letting their lips dance in sync. They reluctantly pulled away, knowing that it was only a momentary stolen pleasure amidst the chaos of their lives.


The car glided smoothly through the streets of Canada, carrying the two drivers towards their shared destination. As they gazed out of the tinted windows, the memories of their time on the yacht flooded their minds. The warm sun, the cool sea breeze, and the stolen moments of intimacy replayed like a film reel.

"Do you remember that time we swam under the stars?" Charles asked, a mischievous smile gracing his lips.

"Of course I do," Lewis replied with a soft chuckle. "It was one of the most beautiful nights of my life."

Their conversation continued, filled with laughter and nostalgia. They shared stories of their adventures and challenges, relishing the rare opportunity to connect beyond the confines of the paddock.

As they arrived at the hotel, they reluctantly let go of each other's hands, knowing that their secret would have to remain hidden for now. They bid each other a silent goodbye, retreating to their hotel rooms to get some much-needed rest before the busy day of media duties awaited them.


Alone in his room, Lewis stared at his reflection in the mirror. His mind raced with the consequences of their hidden relationship being exposed. Rumours had already begun swirling around the paddock, and it was only a matter of time before the truth would surface.

But at that moment, Lewis made a silent promise to himself. No matter the cost, he would fight for their love. He yearned for a world where they could openly embrace their relationship, free

But behind closed doors, their minds were filled with thoughts of each other. They longed for the day when they could freely express their love and let the world know about the extraordinary bond they shared. Until then, they would continue to navigate the treacherous waters of fame and secrecy, cherishing the stolen moments they could steal away from prying eyes.


A/N: Finally uploaded the second chapter, let me know what you think and I hope you're enjoying it so far. 😊 

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