Chapter 31: Moving Day and Truths

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A/N: *Nothing too terrible happens that requires a heads up, BUT will give ups heads up about cursing lol Just in case*

        Isabella went with Blaise, Thea, Nadia, Keigo, Dabi and Dominic back to Thea and Nadia's apartment to continue drinking that wasn't in the public setting. Once they all got the apartment, Isabella went straight to looking around the apartment getting really inserted about their apartment and how they lived. While everyone else was hanging out, talking and starting to drink again. It didn't take long for Thea and Nadia to get back drunk.

       Blaise would take swigs of the alcohol as well while talking to everyone. Isabella didn't join the conversation until after she decided to grab a bottle of rum from the alcohol cabinet. Isabella somewhat finds out that Blaise has been hiding something from her, but she told Keigo about it. She isn't sure who all knows about what Blaise and Keigo knows besides what seemed like Dominic. But, Isabella decided to just drink all of her feelings away, so that way she doesn't lose control or attempt to lose control.

       As the night went on, they all decided on playing a drinking game. The game they all decided on was Spin the Bottle mixed with Truth or Dare. From drinking the sweet rum, Isabella got drunk again quicker than ever. She also drank most of the bottle. Everyone plays in the drinking game and has a great time while doing so. As time went on, Isabella was wanting to drink more and laying on top of Keigo in his lap. Keigo made the decision for both of them that it was finally time to go to the hotel room that he had reserved for them.

       When Isabella and Keigo left the apartment, Keigo carried Isabella straight to the hotel room without stopping at the front desk. Isabella was so drunk that she had stripped almost completely naked in front of Keigo. Then, tried to jump out of the window to try to fly on her own without her capture weapon. Luckily, Keigo stopped her from doing so and convinced the drunk Isabella to go to sleep in the bed instead of jumping out of the window to her drunk death, even though he wouldn't let that happen. From that point forward it was a silent and peaceful night for Keigo while drunk Isabella slept the alcohol out of her system.

Isabella's Pov

       It has been almost a week since Keigo and I went out with Blaise, Dabi, Thea, Nadia and Dominic. Waking up to the morning sun shining in my eyes and I stretch in my own bed at my dad's house. Sitting up as I look around. Sighing as I stretch one last time. "Today is the day." Looking around the room, I start to feel nostalgic in a way. "I'm somehow going to miss this room, honestly."

       Getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth then somewhat get ready for the day. When I got done in the bathroom, I looked around my room and sighed. "There is a lot to pack... I guess I better start." Closing my eyes as I start rubbing the back of my neck as I start packing some of things into boxes.

       As I am packing my things into boxes, I notice some things that I kept in the drawer of my dresser for memories and I start smiling. I totally forgot I had these. Holding all of the photos and items in my hands, I go over to the windowsill bench and sit down. Looking at the pictures of Blaise and I after she joined our family, then not too long ago before Keigo and I started dating it's all three of us just goofing around. I start giggling at the photos then I notice one from when I was in grade school and my face falls. This photo was taken behind me... I wonder if dad or Uncle Hizashi took this photo. The photo is of me looking at Blaise, Keigo, and their friends walking away. I could tell that it was them from their wings. Taking a deep breath as I go to the next picture, and my breath catches in my throat.

       Looking at the final picture in the stack, I see a woman holding a baby in her arms. My vision starts to go blurry as I stare at the woman with white to gray hair sitting up in the hospital bed while my dad is sitting next to her. This... This means... This means that I always had a picture of my mom! THIS IS MY MOM!!! I just stare at the woman in the photo not believing what I'm seeing. I started to wonder how long I had this photo or how long it had been hidden and I pushed the memory of knowing about it out of my mind.

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