chapter 3

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"Finally!" Miss Bunting reached a small section in the woods, two Maple trees standing tall in front of her. They swayed in the encroaching storms wind, but nothing else seemed out of the ordinary except the daunting winds that caused Millie to have to hold her hair ribbon in.

"Alright, and this is the enterance" she held her hands up "go on in! Lunch is probably ready!" Millie and Isabelle both waited for the newcomers to go in first to the side of miss Bunting who breifly paused to wipe her eye. 

Jack and Alma both stood still, looking around for where the woman could possibly  be referring too, but all they found were more and more trees.

"Told you  we should've ran. Their all crazy! They probably led us out here to kill us for a sacrifice"  Jack snapped, holding his knife tighter in his pocket, unsheathing the blade.

"Or maybe your just unimaginative?"  An accented voice chimed behind him, causing the Boy to leap nearly a foot off the ground.

"Roisin, welcome home. Did you have a good time with Miss Woodpecker?" Miss Bunting greeted the much taller girl with a smile. Alma blinked, trying to count the sheer amount of freckles dotting the girls skin as she adjusted the basket on her arm.

"Yes! We nearly got all the strawberries harvested and ready to sell in the market!" She held up the basket  "I brought home preserves and some strawberry bread I made!" She grinned. Alma watched as Roisin's cornflower blue eyes shifted to her "a new one?" She grinned. Alma stepped a bit back as the Irish girl examined her head to toe. "Lovely!" She smiled and bound into the trees without another word dissapearing into the branches

"WHAT THE-WHERE- WHERE DID SHE GO?!" Jack snapped, suddenly rushing into the trees and dissapearing himself much to Alma's absolute Amazement.

"It always takes someone goin' first to prove I'm not a nutcase" Miss Bunting chuckled to herself. "Come along sweetheart. My Partner is probably waiting for us by now. And if she starts wont be good for either of us!"  She chipped as Millie and Isabelle both went ahead, walking into the loop leaving Diane and Alma outside. Alma took a few haphazard steps until she was right beside the trunk of the Old trees, but felt her feet unwilling to cascade any farther into the supposed "Loop"

Alma suddenly pulled back a step,  readjusting her glasses"is-is it going to hurt?" She looked up

"No not at all!" Miss Bunting clasped her hands "it's just like.....well walking into a warm field of sunflowers!" She said cheerfully, humming to herself afterword. Alma shivered as the rain started to pour down like sugar out of the canister.

"Will you hold my hand?" Alma asked shyly. Miss Bunting felt her smile grow "of course." She held down her hand. Alma took it, squeezing it tight along with her eyes as miss Bunting guided her inside.

In moments,. The girl suddenly felt much warmer than she did previously.

"You ran into me!" The Irish voice suddenly broke the warm breeze flowing as Jack's voice interjected into it

"you knew I was coming!" He snapped as Alma opened her eyes the a face full of Full bloomed sunflower causing her to yipe and nearly fall backward.

"Careful!" One of the young women steadied her "Isabelle wasn't it?" Alma thought a she gingerly rubbed her arm.

"The sunflowers are hardy, but they wouldn't be to fond of being knocked over!" Isabelle giggled. "Your eyes are mighty pretty! I've never seen such vibrant green before! There like the Emerald on Miss Buntings pendant!" She exclaimed, moving her hair back.

Oh....thank you!" Alma blushed, gingerly rubbing her arm. " Where um....where are we?" The Ravenette asked, noticing a trail up ahead. In the distance, her Emerald eyes landed on a Huge mansion made of  red brick with unblemished white accents. The wrap around porch had a few woman on it, all chatting amongst eachother  that was seated in the middle of an open field surrounded by many different colorful flowers of varying shapes and sizes Alma never even knew existed. Magnolia trees lined the walkway up the house the path lined with petals that had been swept away in the warm winds.  Even the sky was gorgeous, huge clouds covered the entire powder blue sky, leaving just enough sunlight to dapple the land in spots of golden warmth.

"Well, your at Miss Avocet's Academy for Ymrbynes of course!" Isabelle said. Alma whipped around,  ,  studying the gardens they were in, then landing on the two tree stood just behind them, both with bright green leaves that the other trees lacked before she had stepped in.

"Roisin leave him be. He didn't mean to." Miss Bunting's voice suddenly broke the  dream Alma was seemingly living. Roe rolled eyes, but dissapeared down the path without much of a hassle. Her pumpkin orange hair  nearly blended in with  a few of these mum's siting in pots on the porch Alma noted in her head "Rosisin, the one with orange hair" she nodded to herself as if confirming it.

"Alright, let's get you two inside so Esmerelda can meet you!"  Miss Bunting ushered the four of them  down the path. Alma was to in Awe some didn't even notice Isabelle's  chocolate eyes studying her from the side as they made thier way up to the house.


" partner is a bit under the weather, but truly it's just a passing cold from the weather,  the doctor reassured me earlier, but she still would love to meet you both." Miss Bunting lead Alma and Jack to a wood door with fancy glass on top. Alma tried  to peak through, but  found it frosted over just enough to reveal only the light and glass etchings. Miss Bunting out her hand on the handle, but refrained from turning it. Jack and Alma both watched as she looked back as them.

"If you could do me a favor though" she started. "can you keep it a bit short? I don't want her to be up and about just yet. The doctor said a few days rest was what she needed, but alas, she wouldn't rest even if it smacked her upside the head" miss Bunting smiled apologetically.

"Don't worry, we will be keeping it  very short." Jack reassured, but his tone felt rather cold to Alma who simply  nodded along.

"Esmerelda?" Miss Bunting peaked her head in, exchanging a few breif words. Alma rocked on her toes as Miss Bunting opened the door fully. "go ahead" she smiled, holding the door open as a middle aged woman with long, pinned back black hair and wisdom filled  eyes waved them in from her seat on the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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