Aunt Nat

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Ace smiled as she looked around, Steve sat on the ground, his nails having been painted blue to match his eyes. Meanwhile, Natasha sat on top of Tony, and he screamed and kicked. His nails were currently being painted by Ace, a race car red, since he collects cars and they match his suit. Ace had calmly asked Dr. Banner knowing he might be uncomfortable with his nails being painted. Clint was at the safe house for the weekend but was coming back to the tower today.

~~Ace's POV~~
I sat on the floor finishing up Mr.Starks' nails, while Aunt Nat sat on him to keep him from fleeing. Pops was supposed to be back soon, so I was looking forward to seeing him. Cap piped up from his spot on the floor, "Can I go now? I know you wanted me to stay here and wait for my nails to finish drying first."
"Hm, tap on each nail, and if their isn't a smudge left behind, you can go." I replied with a smile as I painted Mr. Starks' left pinkie.
"Naaaaat, why'd you help the kid?" Mr. Stark whined.
"Hey, be happy she didn't choose a bright pink for you, Tony. Otherwise, you'd look like a fool."
"Clint and Thor are fucking lucky..."
"Hey, language!" Cap yelled from the kitchen. I looked back to Cap before calling out, "Hey, when am I gonna meet this Thor guy? I've heard his name a lot but have never seen him here before." Before Cap or Mr. Stark could answer the elevator dinged, and Pops stepped out. I quickly screwed on the top of the nail polish, set it on the table, and ran over to him with a smile plastered on my face. "Pops! Your back."
"Welcome back, Clint." Cap said as he came out of the kitchen. Pops' face was a mix of emotions, happiness, anger, confusion, and fear. My head tilted as he whispered to Cap, and Cap's face fell. "Ace your room now."
"But -"
"I know, kiddo, but me, Cap, Aunt Nat, and Stark have got business to take care of real quick, so please go to your room." Pops pleaded with me. He even got down to my eye level, so I knew it was serious.
"Alright, just let me know when it's safe for me to come out, okay? I don't like being alone for too long, remember?"
"We know, kiddo, don't worry, it won't be too long, hopefully, and if it gets to be too long, just pop your head around the corner of the hall and someone will come join you in your room okay?"
"Okay, I love you, Pops."
"I love you too, kiddo." And with that, I went to my room.

*WIP*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora