The Raven Haired Man

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Loki stood surrounded by the Avengers, Clint, Nat, and Cap had placed themselves, so if Ace popped her head out, they would see, and one could go and be with her, it was most likely going to be Clint since he hated being in Loki's presence. Loki knew this and was smirking rather smugly. Tony stood with his arms crossed, and Bruce was off to the side, only to be called in if Code Green was needed.
"My father has given Loki's punishment. He is to stay here with the Avengers until he learns to tolerate and / or come to like Midgardians. The Allfather has also restricted Loki's power, so he can only do certain things," Thor's voice was booming and held a sense of authority, "He can do small magic tricks, and if he pleases change gender, our Mother pleaded with our father to let him do so. He can not summon anything or get into anyone's mind. The most he can do is small illusions and maybe shape-shifting. I will be here for the rest of the month, and then I will leave him in your care." Thor finished addressing the group as Ace's head popped out of the hall from hearing the new voice, curiosity had gotten the better of them.

~~Ace's POV~~
I know Pops told me to stay in my room until someone said I could come out, but the booming voice from the common area made me super curious! I was happy playing video games, but the voice was shaking the whole floor, I wanted to see who caused it. So I quietly snuck out and very, very carefully peered around the corner to see a tall blonde in odd clothing with a slightly shorter raven haired man standing next to him. Pops, Aunt Nat's, and Cap's eyes were on the blonde. So I watched curious as to who these people were and why Dr. Banner had been pulled out of the lab for this. The raven haired man turned slightly, looking toward where I was kind of hidden, I quickly stepped out of his sight, and when I felt it was safe, I looked back out only to see him still staring in my direction. I quickly and quietly ran back to my room. One thing was obvious, Pops and the team didn't want me there, and that raven haired man might have been the reason... his soul seemed clouded over by hate and jealousy. Once safely tucked back into my room, I sat back down at my little gaming set up and went back to playing Minecraft, mining out what was going to be my underground base.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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