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Hearing Fuko's request, Connor blushes as Yukihime got up, her face red too. "N-No way!" Yelled Yukihime. She paused for a moment. "I promise I wont do anything...just tell them we were together and break the marriage." Said Fuko. "But how can they believe us?" Asked Connor. "I'll handle that...just stand with me and agree with everything they say like what a boyfriend would do...please." Said Fuko. Connor froze for a moment

"Ok." Said Connor. They turn to Connor. "I want to help...besides you said we don't need to do anything besides saying we're a couple and all that, so we should be fine." Said Connor. Fuko smiles before getting up. "Ok then, we should go...thank you Connor." Said Fuko.

She then walked to Connor and kiss his cheek. Connor blushed as Fuko giggles and runs out of the food court and Yukihime, had this hatred aura to her. Once home, Connor was greeted by a familiar small figure. "Hey perv." Said Niko. "Hey Niko...how are you?" Asked Connor. "Good...how are you?" Asked Niko. "Fine...I was with Yukihime...she needed help with some shopping." Said Connor.

Niko makes a little humph as she walked to the kitchen. Since the battle with the man with a cannibalistic virus, Niko have been coming over and cooking though Connor tells her its was alright and didn't want her to go through the trouble.

With that, Connor went to the living room and watched a movie until Niko finish cooking and they ate dinner and went to bed.

The next day, as Connor went through class, Connor was daydreaming about what's happened so far and about what Fuko asked him. Suddenly, Connor raised a hand to what the teacher muttered. "Oh Connor you accept?" Asked the teacher. Connor look up at the teacher for a second.

"Yes?" Asked Connor. She smiles as she placed a piece of paper on his desk and Connor look to see it was a form for a new club called the farm club. "The club starts this after noon so be at the farm then and don't be late." Said the teacher. Connor look at her before smiling. Even though he wasn't listening, Connor thought it would be best to go along, plus the things that seem pointless can be worth it, like he could meet a new friend or something.

After Class, Connor was now with his friends, being yelled it by Chi. "You idiot!" Yelled Chi. Connor said nothing, looking blankly ahead with fingers in his ears before taking them out when he knew Chi wasn't yelling. "Chi I don't have much hearing anymore from all the times you did that idiot." Said Connor. She looked at Connor before looking away with a red face.

"Sorry..." Said Chi. After a while school was over and it was time to go to the new club. After a couple of minutes Connor get to the farm and notice two more people waiting outside, guessing they volunteered to be here too and from their faces they don't want to be here, making Connor also guess they agreed or place their hand up without listening too. Once Connor got to them, they turn to him.

The two people was a girl with brown hair that went to her shoulders and a white headband making her forehead visible and a popular looking boy who doesn't seem to care about being there. "Hey." Said Connor. "Hello." Said the girl. "Sup." Said the boy. The three of them greeted each other before staring into space until the teacher arrived to let us in. After thirty minutes the teacher arrived and unlock the gate letting them in and told us what they need to do for the club.

The things were simple, they just need to wash the animals and clean up after them along with the building in the farm and a lot of areas along with also reporting anything like if the animals being sick or anything that seems like what they need to tell the teachers in case it's serious and the animal need help or if someone breaks in and once they finish, lock the place up and leave.

After the teacher finishes, he asked for who wanted to be the president. After a minute of looking back and forth, Connor take it and the teacher nods and makes it official before leaving and they start cleaning. After a bit Connor hears a voice behind him. "H-Hello?" From the sound of it, it seems to be a kid. Connor glance to see small girl tugging on his uniform jacket.

Connor: Vol 3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat