Chapter Twenty Four

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Your POV:

With no memory of how you got here, you stand in an alley in front of a dead body, holding a bloody knife.

"Did I do this?" You ask no one.

"(Y/N)? Are you down here?"


When he walks closer to you to see what's before you, he gasps softly, and his eye-sockets go dark.

"No Sans! I swear it wasn't me! I don't know how I got here! Get me out of here please!"

He only looks at you with a look of sympathy. Maybe he believes you?

"Hey, everything is alright. Calm down, okay? I'll take you home and we'll figure this out."

He walks closer to you with welcoming arms. You dive into his embrace, scared out of your mind.

Sans suddenly gasps, after a stabbing sound was heard.

You pull away, feeling the knife still in your hand, the sharp end inside Sans' back. You let go of it, and Sans falls to his hands and knees.

Tears pour from your eyes.

"Sans... No... I-I didn't do that! I didn't! I don't understand! Can I not control my own hands?" You grab his shoulders. "Sans, don't you dare die! I didn't do any of this, I swear!"

"I'm sorry," he whispers. "Guess I won't be able to help you figure out what's happening." He coughs, and blood trickles from his teeth down his chin.

"No! Sans, shut up! You're not dying!"

He shakily reaches out to your face with both hands. When he grabs your face, he leans in and kisses you. When he pulls away, he whispers, "I'm sorry." "Why are you apologizing?! I'm the one that stabbed you! I didn't, but..! It's as if my hands aren't my own! Please don't-" Sans turned to dust before you could finish.

The face of a monster, you cared so deeply for, just disappeared right before your eyes. It's like your eyes had a memory of him still being there, and you could see the outline of where he used to be.

"No..! NO!" You screamed, you cried. Wiping your tears away didn't help because they kept coming.

"Don't cry my little caterpillar."

A voice was heard, making you look up. Frisk was there walking towards you.

"Soon, it will become easy. Soon, you'll no longer feel anything for anyone."

They stopped in front of you, standing in Sans's dust.

"I don't want that," you tell them. "I don't want to be a murderer. I just want to make people happy. I just want everyone to be loved. Sans was special. Our journey together made making him happy so unique. I fell for him when I didn't even plan to. My number one priority was to be his for the rest of my life. Does that sound like someone who wants to be a murderer?"

"Who needs all that when you have power? When you can always become even stronger?"

They walk to the dead body, and plunge their fist in the chest. You gasp in terror, backing away from the scene. You hear a sickening crunch from the body.

You begin to panic, bringing your hands to your ears, shaking violently. You want to look away, but it's impossible. You're so terrified, you can't even blink, causing your eyes to water.

You hear cracking. You see it's Frisk slowly turning their head to face you. With each inch their head turns, another crack. You see a wicked smile, with wide eyes, on their face.

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