Chapter One - Visions.

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Lizzy smiled at the bondfire, with her bestfriend, Kris, with her. Although they had differences - Kris was the sun, heartwarming and outgoing. Lizzy was the opposite, the moon, soul breaking, and introverted - nonetheless, they were still friends either way. Nothing could change that.

While Kris was busy roasting some marshmallows - that were incredibly fluffy to the point it felt like they were touching a dog - that Lizzy brought on their journey to Sailwood Camping Longue. It was just across of Sailwood Coast Beach, which, you can tell by the name, was a beach, self-explanatory I know.

Lizzy dazed into their small little cabin with a few other campers as well. Whom Kris made friends with, if she remembered correctly, their names with Aria, Michael Brooke, Luke, Reena, and Julie. Aria and Julie were taking a nap, while Micheal Brooke, Luke and Reena were collecting some more firewood.

"Hey, Kris?" Lizzy called out to Kris, who was jumping with glee at the sight of new campers arriving, there was only one thing in her mind; new friends.

Lizzy couldn't imagine the excitement of meeting new friends, in fact. She didn't enjoy it, it meant talking and getting to know each other better, and Lizzy lacked the proper social skills to do so, especially she saw how emotional Kris gets when she has to say goodbye and forgetting to ask for their phone number. But Kris was her only best friend, she wanted it to stay that way. She glanced around, five cabins surrounding the campfire. Lizzy hope the new campers didn't choose the cabin they were in.

That would be unfortunate.

"Kris? Hello?" Lizzy called out once more. Honestly, this is what she always feared about being friends with extroverts, it feels like they will replace you with someone better than you. "Kris, c'mon, you've been ignoring me for the past five minutes."

Kris turned around, a bit startled, "Five minutes? Oh dear, sorry, Lizzy, what did you want to say?"

"Um, should we get going into our cabin? It's getting late. It's past 7 already. Didn't you say you had plans for tomorrow at like, six o clock?"

"Sorry, I'm just talking to this new guy! Ian Davids, he was a friend back in kindergarten, I'm so happy to see you again, Ian!" She replied.

"Hello, I'm Ian, you must be Lizzy, right?"

Lizzy didn't know why, but she had a weird feeling about Ian... Something about him felt... Off.

"Not the out-going type, am I right?" He asked Kris. She nodded. "Welp, Kris, let's get to know each other! My little sister, Ares, is here too, she's six."

Ares had white pearly hair. Unlike Ians, with dark brown hair, or by the looks of it. The only light source was the camp fire. She probably has a disease, Lizzy thought, looking at Ares's purple-blueish eyes.

"Awe! Is she cute?" Kris gushed. And played with her chubby cheeks. It's kind of annoying when people do that.

Ares shot Lizzy a scared look. As if to tell her something. Somethings terribly wrong, she thought, but what? Ian seemed like a good person. But they're are manipulative people who manipulate others. Could Ian be just that? A manipulator?

"Um, Kris, could we talk?" Lizzy asked her, and gestured for her to follow her.

They walked out of the campsite, out of Ian's earshot.

"So, what's up, Liz?" She asked.

"There's something wrong with him!" Lizzy told her. "My gut told me!"

"Oh please, Lizzy. Your exaggerating, why do you think that?"

Lizzy bit her lip. That was the only reason why, she could tell her that Ares gave her a strange look but it's probably because of Kris gushing over her. She looked up from the ground and saw a terrifying face, it was completely black with strange red outline on it, hiding against a tree.

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