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this book is my anything i write in here will never be said out loud

What Kind of Man//Florence & The Machine


    The world is a mysterious place out there. Everyday there is something different. Everyone changes, every place changes, everything changes. The world simply never stays the same. Everyday somebody dies and another person takes their place. Some cultures call it reincarnation, I call it life. We all say our first word and then we grow up. Some of us have life planned out years before we even know how to properly add. But most of us in the world are just lost souls that are trying to find our way in this place we call "the universe". Funny you know how there is scientific evidence proving that the world was made by a "big bang", or people who believe God made it. The lost souls say that it's a circle that holds people on it.

    Lost Souls: the people who have a soul but don't know what to do with it so we get lost in the world. You're lucky if you're a lost soul. The whole world is waiting for you to experience it's journeys. Now even though we are lost we find love the best journey of all. Well some of us do.

    Welcome to the world of lost souls. If your lucky enough maybe you'll be able to experience the world like us.


Like i said getaway.

Welcome and enjoy.

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