Chapter 6

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this is right after Daenerys point of view in this chapter.x.
One hit. One hit and I'm higher then a kite. I'm starting to think that my pain meds are being laced with something, but I'm going to need everything I can get to get those damn brown eyes out of my head. It's 9:30 at night and I'm walking down a random block as my high starts to go down. I've been high for the past two hours and all I can say is; those eyes are still in my head. Too caught up in my thoughts, I bump into something; no scratch that someone. Hard.
"Ah shit; watch where your going jackass" I hissed in anger. I don't know why I'm angry. Maybe because I'm not high anymore or maybe because I can't get HIM out of my mind. Pathetic.
"Well well sweetheart" No. No. No. Please for the love of the of anyone don't let it be who I know it is.
"Daenerys darling we haven't quite finished our conversation from what was it? Two days ago?" He says smirking that disgusting smirk. Did I mention that he has his two friend behind him?
"Ramsay we did. I told you to fuck off" I say backing away slowly.
"Ramsay man you didn't tell us that she was a feisty one?" His friend says licking his lips. Ramsay made the mistake of turning his head. The second he did that I bolted.
"Bless whoever is up there" I say with a slight smile because I see a light up ahead. As I'm turning the corner and I look back too make sure they're not close. Big mistake. I ended up tripping on air and scratched my knees bad.
"Ahh mother of mary." Great now I'm bleeding.
"Ohhh Daenerys. Thought you lost us" He says in a voice that makes my skin crawl.
I make it into the light and I know realize that it's a car shop. As I'm hiding under a car, I see footsteps and start to worry even more.
"Daenerys darling you can't hide forever"
"Ramsay let's go there's someone else in here and we can't get caught again"
"This isn't over sweetheart" I wait a little while until I know for sure that they're gone and I slowly make my way out from under the car. Shit I need more pain meds.
"What the hell were you doing under there?"
Fuck. This is it. I'm dead.
authors note
so I was re-reading the first few chapters and realized so many mistakes. oops. still hope you like it. x.

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